" Got your answer? " You asked

" Got my answer! "

We chuckled together,
And looked into each other's eyes for a second,
Which seemed more beautiful than anything,
Just a pure moment of looking in your eyes was a bliss,
Just a moment of holding your hand was heaven.

" Thanks a lot for understanding. If it was any other girl then she would have been so much angry. "

" What do you mean by any other girl? Don't even lay an eye on any other girl, Darling. I may be an angel but I will break both your and her legs if you do so " you said giving me a jealous glare.

The thought of that made me laugh,
You look really cute when you are jealous,
Until and unless you come into your danger mode,
But I know I will handle that too.

" Why will I look at any other girl when the most beautiful one is sitting beside me? " I asked raising my brows with a smirk.

The jealousy in your eyes vanished and a sense of security entered,
Your glare turned into a smile,
With a shade of red on your face.

" A perfect flirt, aren't you? "

" Only for you " I replied and winked.

The next thing was a surprise for me,
Your lips over mine,
Just for a second,
But the blush on your face,
Made it special.

And just like my inner my said me that I was drowning,
Drowning very badly,
But just in the ocean of love.

(Past situation 2: 5 months ago)

The rain was not ready to stop,
And so was the traffic,
I knew I was late,
But I tried my best to arrive at time and not let you get wet.

My phone rang and it was you.

" Where are you? " You asked.

" On my way "

" I don't think the rain will stop tonight, I will drop you off. Come " another manly voice came through the phone.

" Actually my husband is coming to pick me up. " You replied.

" You don't even know how much time will he take, will you wait till then? I will rather give you a ride. Come. " He asked you again.

" Please come. I insist " he said again.

I was Getting deja vu,
I knew what your reply would be,
But it wasn't the same as I expected it to be,
But as said expectation kills.

" Okay " I don't know but this word felt like a betrayer.

It was not supposed to be this way,
I was the one with whom you would go,
You broke the rule.

" I am coming with one of my friend. You can go back, you must be ti- " and the phone went off.

I have no idea whether you hanged it on purpose,
Or some issue.

I don't know but the feeling was really bad,
It may be a very small thing,
But were my efforts were nothing to you?,
I came to pick you up even after the hectic day,
And all you did was to go away with another guy when I was half a way there.

Is it that much easy?
Because if it is, then I should have gotten the heart to tell you that I can't come,
But I just could not,
I didn't wanted to hurt you,
I didn't wanted to break the rule.

I drived back to our house,
With many thoughts in my mind.
You could have atleast listen to me before hanging up,
You could have atleast given it a second thought,
But you just agreed.

I reached home, before you.
And made my way to the kitchen.

It was another one of our rule,
We will always eat the dinner together,
But you didn't care about the rule,
Then why should I?
Even I don't care about it.

I tried to eat,
I had no mood left,
So I just kept the plate back,
And just then you arrived,
All tired and messy.

Without saying a word,
I went towards our room,
I know you would be looking at me with shock,
You did called out my name,
But it didn't helped,
You would have tried to stop me,
But it didn't matter anymore.

~ And that's how ego won over love the first time

When I look back into the past,
I regret my actions,
The first time you understood me,
But the second time my ego came in between,
And ego ruins every relationship.

I regret over my past descision,
But it was too late now.

I promised you that,
you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn,
But it looks like I failed to fulfill it.

Maybe it was her fault to break the promise?
Maybe it was his fault to let his ego come between thier relationship?

Whoever's fault it was,
Ego arrived and broke the second string of love.

~..But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I am right here
I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I am right here..~

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