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I look at Toga and the others excited, "what's the mission" I ask smiling. They all look excited so it looks fun maybe defeating All Might wait no we're not ready for that then what could it be?

"So we really want to capture the explosion friend of yours he seems like a good asset," Toga says in a sing song tone. "Hmm Kacchan he would be an incredible asset though his moves are predictable but the UA teachers all know he'll probably be number 1 hero so getting him on our side would be great but how could we do it if we capture him it will raise suspicion real fast ......" I keep mumbling about the ideas in my head subconsciously.

"Izuku... Izuku... IZUKU.. your mumbling again," Shigaraki says horsly. "Huh.. oh right sorry." I sit there still thinking of ideas.

"Do you guys have a plan yet?" I ask realising I should have lead with that. "You finally asked well let me tell you th-," Twice gets cut off by Dabi and raises a fist at him though having no affect. "Hang on I got this Twice let me handle it so we were thinking you wheelchair up to Bakugo as fast as you can tell him that we're chasing you lead him down an alley telling him you remember a shortcut or something and we'll be waiting there to capture him, oh and Toga will chase you to make it convincing," Dabi says making Shigi and Twice mad as he took control. "All good except for one thing how do we capture him outside of UA did you think of that they have dorms now why would they leave?" I ask suspicious.

"No need to be worried I have it all planned he leaves his school every Friday to shop so we strike then," Mr compress says calmly. "Oh wow Kacchan actually cooks for others. How nice." Izuku adds the last part with a spit.

"We'll when do we strike?" Izuku demands. "Tomorrow it is Friday" Shigi says. I just nod yawn and walk to his room. "Zuzu where you going," Toga says child like. "Leave him be"Shigi states. "What's with that kid it's impossible to tell what's going on in his head," Dabi sighs.

Time skip (Friday mission time)

"Everyone ready to go," Shigi says. Everyone nods and splits except for Toga and Izuku. "Zuzu you ready?" Toga asks. "Yeah but I hate the whole wheel chair thing," Izuku says gesturing. "It does suck but whatever get running Bakugo will be here soon" Toga says hurriedly. "Yeah yeah I'm going" Izuku pushes himself off as fast as he can go which is pretty fast so it looks convincing.

As Izuku rans he sees Bakugo and calls out, " B- BAKUGO IM SO GLAD TO SEE SOMEONE I KNOW HELP TH- THEIR AFTER ME."

"The- the fuck this is some sick joke right y-you died you were gone for over a year w- what the hell damn nerd." "Bakugo no time Toga behind us RUNNN."

Bakugo looks and sees Toga knife in hand quickly grabs Izuku and runs. After a minute of running Izuku shouts "down there it's a short cut." Bakugo turns not thinking and hits a dead end.
"Sorry guess I forgot which alley it was on the bright side we lost her I think."
"Yeah we'll what the fuck happens you just suddenly come back how did you even- why- everyone knows you as dead."
"Ohh no that really hurts my feelings hahaha," Izuku laughs and confuses Bakugo.
"So- somethings not right here you aren't calling me Kacchan and your acting different your rational decisions."
"Oh no guess my covers blown now woops to little to late I should have known you'd figure it out Kacchan."

Bakugo looks down confused how the sound came from behind him he sees Izuku not in the wheelchair and freezes.
"Sit down did you get hurt Deku?" Kacchan says weak barely a whisper.
"Nah I like it here so much easier to knock someone out."
"Wha-." Kacchan goes to turn but before he can Izuku lands a kick to the back of his head knocking him to the ground where his head thumps.

"Come out guys before he wakes up," Izuku says almost taunting.
"Yeah yeah," Shigi says walking out a portal.

"Ooh their you are. How flashy." Izuku monotones the last part.
"Compress him will ya Mr Compress so we can go," Dabi says annoyed.
Mr Compress compresses him into the marble sphere and walks through the portal.
"Let's go Dobi," Izuku says laughing.
"The hell did you call me you chi-." Dabi cuts himself of seeing it's pointless as Izuku had walked through the portal and just follows.

As they all get back they gather around to see what to do.
"I'm leaving this is pointless." Dabi goes to walk out only to be blocked.
"Nope Dobi your on watch first," Izuku smiles.
"What you-"
"It's Dobi or your real name Toy-"
"Fine I'll watch can I get sleep first though?"
"No sorry Toy- woops I need to be carful almost let your name slip" Izuku smiles and Dabi just sits down knowing it's pointless.
"How does he know your name when I don't" Shigi complains.
"I swear you and Toga are such children," Dabi sighs.
"Excuse you," Izuku and Toga say in sync both appearing in front of Dabi with menacing looks on their faces Toga holding a knife.
"How do you expect to execute plans like this with out us?" Toga demands.
"How would you eat and clean around here you can't exactly order takeout?"
"Yeah yeah just back off will you" Dabi says pissed.
"Nope" they say and sit watching him closely (basically staring without blinking for much longer then a human should be able to).

Mr Compress took the marble out and uncompressed Kacchan who was still knocked out they tied him to a chair so he couldn't move.
"How long do I have to watch this ungrateful brat" Dabi says annoyed.
"Until I say," Izuku replies.
"Aren't I the boss here" Shigi says tubing his forehead.
"Yeah but who here listens to you" Deku asks.
"Well they all listens before you came," Shigi says.
"Welp to bad."

They all go off and do their own thing in the bar or elsewhere.

I am not the best at this am I anyway we are getting through somehow I am kinda bad with including characters sometimes so tell me if you want to see more of someone uhh.. that's all?
- Pansexual Idiot

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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Kidnapped And Disabled/sick Deku TogadekuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang