Mew immediately took the remote and did as Seokjin had told him. There was some news about the new celeb wedding going on. But it was cut short abruptly when there was an animation saying 'Breaking News.'

The house of the spokesperson of the opposition, Kwang Taemoon, was raided this morning following a tip of corruption money. Besides the corruption, the investigating team also found a few kilograms of drugs in his son, Kwang Min's room. The son was immediately taken into custody by the narcotics department and sent for a full body checkup. The case has been filed against their corruption and usage and hoarding of drugs. An arrest warrant has also been issued against the spokesperson, Kwang Taemoon. We also found out...

Seokjin sighed and finally sat on the couch, closing his eyes and putting his head on the backrest. Yoongi closed his tab and smiled as if he had achieved a great victory. "I talked to the remaining people. No one will help him to get out of there."

Namjoon was shocked. He was shaken. Did Seokjin just pull down an entire family because of him? Is this what he meant when he said he can be a borderline psychopath? If so, then was Namjoon supposed to feel good about it? His mind was in conflict with his heart. Seokjin had done this because Min tried to harm Namjoon. But then pulling down an entire family for one person... Namjoon's vision began to shake.

Seokjin saw that Namjoon was shaking. He looked at Mew and signalled him. Mew nodded, "Kana, let's leave them alone. I wanted to show you a cool place."

Gulf pouted, "Would sunbae be okay?"

Mew chuckled and ruffled Gulf's hair, "Of course. P'Jin is with him, right?" Gulf finally complied with Mew and followed him out of the house.

Yoongi stood up as well, "Let's go Kookie. I'll drop you home."

Jungkook took the signal and followed Yoongi, "I can go there myself. I don't want to bother hyung."

Yoongi shook his head, "Not a bother. In fact..." His voice became just a blurry voice as the door of the house closed.

"Stop thinking like that." Namjoon came out of the trance when he heard Seokjin's voice. He turned back to find Seokjin sitting straight, one leg on the other and hands folded in front of his chest. "This was not because of you. Well... Not entirely."

"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked softly.

Seokjin sighed, "Yes, I gave the tip for the corruption, and it was partly because his son messed up with you. Not once but many times. The other reason was the upcoming presidential elections. The ruling party has always favoured us in many ways so to make sure that the party doesn't change, I set up this little circus. The party president of the ruling party was also involved in tipping the officers off. The money turned out to be a lot more than what we had tipped. And about the drugs. It was just a coincidence. Guess the leader of the investigating team was really lucky."

Namjoon slowly sat beside Seokjin and looked at Seokjin, "So if there was no election, would you have not done this?"

Seokjin shook his head, "I would have gone with something else. Probably that would affect Kwang Min alone and not the entire family." He looked into Namjoon's eyes, which were sad. The usual sparkle in them was missing. The galaxy that he had always found in his eyes was clouded by the agony in his heart. "Joon-ah... talk to me, baby. Are you disgusted with me?"

Namjoon shook his head, "This is all just too-" He gulped "Too overwhelming. I don't know if I am worthy enough to be even standing beside you and here you are turning the world upside down for me."

Seokjin cupped Namjoon's cheeks, caressing his cheekbones softly, "You deserve the world, Namjoon. I know you don't like what I am doing and there will be many things that you won't like in future as well. But I will make sure that none of that will ever affect you or this happy little world that we are building. There will be dirty play, politics, and even blood sometimes. But I will protect you from every single thing."

Namjoon nodded. He circled his hands around Seokjin's waist and rested his face on Seokjin's shoulder. What Seokjin had said didn't sit right with Namjoon. But that's what we do in love right? Seokjin had changed so many things about him for Namjoon. Namjoon could get used to what Soekjin was doing. And as Seokjin had said many times, nothing about the society they live in is fair. He sighed, "Was hyung angry with me in the morning?"

Seokjin shook his head as he wrapped his hands around Namjoon's shoulder, slowly patting his head, "No. I was just angry at myself for not keeping you safe."

Namjoon chuckled, "You can't possibly keep me safe everywhere I go. You can't follow me around all the time."

Seokjin hummed, "I know. That's why I have thought of something. You can say no, but I think this will really put me at ease when you are not with me."

Namjoon looked up, putting his chin on Seokjin's shoulder, "What is it?"

Before Seokjin could tell him, they heard the bell ring and then the code being entered. Namjoon looked at the door in confusion and then at Seokjin, "How many people know your keycode?"

Seokjin chuckled, "Four. Five including you. I had to give it to Hoseok, Yoongi, Mew and Dohwan. In case something had to happen to me here. Though the possibilities are near zero, I can't take a risk."

Namjoon left Seokjin's waist and sat straight as Dohwan entered the living room and bowed to Seokjin, "I completed my task, Hwejang-nim. This is the list." He said giving the tablet he was holding to Seokjin

Namjoon looked at Seokjin, "What list?"

Seokjin put the tablet on his lap and covered Namjoon's hand, "Joon-ah, I wanted to assign two bodyguards to you. So that you would be safe wherever you go." Namjoon looked at Seokjin with wide eyes. He blinked a few times and started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Seokjin sounded offended.

Namjoon just shook his head, "Hyung... Imagine a barista with bodyguards." he laughed some more and then stopped, "I don't need bodyguards. I know you worry about me too much. But I won't need a bodyguard till you make an official statement about me being your boyfriend. But yeah, after that, I might agree to it. Your competitors are scary."

Seokjin sighed and gave the tab back to Dohwan. "Fine. But you can't refuse them after I make an official statement."

Namjoon nodded, "Okay."

Seokjin looked at Dohwan, "Thank you for your help, Hwan-ah. But my husband here is not ready to be followed yet." Dohwan chuckled in his heavy voice and bowed before leaving. When Seokjin looked at Namjoon, Namjoon was smirking profusely, "What?"

"Am I your husband?" Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows, "Then who are you? My wife?"

Seokjin rolled his eyes, "Why am I the wife?"

Namjoon was again in the previous position, with his hands around Seokjin's waist and head on his shoulder, "Because I take you in the bed."

"Wha- what nonsense are you talking about?" Seokjin turned his face around and Namjoon was loving this. The bad boy just a few minutes ago was now all fidgety and pink.

Namjoon nosed behind Seokjin's ear, smelling the scent of vanilla and chocolate that came from the expensive products that Seokjin used. "My powerful, beautiful, sassy, protective and perfect wife."

Seokjin huffed, "You call me wife one more time and you won't get sex for next month."

Namjoon giggled, "Okay, okay. Sorry." He made Seokjin look at him with a hand on Seokjin's cheek. Seokjin's face was entirely pink, making him look cute. "God, I love you so much."

Seokjin nuzzled into Namjoon's nose and smiled brightly, "I love you too."

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