T - 5

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I stirred from my current sleeping position, i cringed my face, feeling sweaty. I stood up and stripped myself. That felt very icky.

I went to take a quick shower, didn't have the feeling for bath today. I bet the sun would sink anytime later. After I'm dressed and brushed my teeth, I walked out.

Before I could walk any further, my entire organ froze up. Vulgar screams and moans filled my ears, my heart ache hearing them. I was hurt for certain reasons, I was so stupid. How could I thought that there's something special between me and him.

My hand, purposely, slammed the door to my room shut. I didn't care if it broke, those sinful screaming and moaning stopped. My feet dragged me down the stairs, walked out of the house for the second time of the day.

I was helplessly developing a liking for him. Without realization. Without second thought. My heart skipped a beat whenever I got closed to him, it sickened me.

A park filled my vision, the sun wasn't setting yet, even so it was about to. I sat down on the empty bench, looking up at the beautiful scenery. A heavy sigh released from my mouth, felt tired with everything was an understatement. Am I being played?

He constantly tried to get my attention, nonetheless he kept himself around my guardian most of the time. Obvious, she's his 'girlfriend' after all.

"Could have been me." I mumbled with slight gloominess in my voice. "I'm delusional." I shook my head at no one particular, chuckled sadly at last.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice, causing my upper body to twisted a little to look who's behind me.

"Namjoon." A smile automatically made its way on my lips. "As if this ain't fate." I joked, which he laughed at.

"Aren't you cold? You're only in pajamas," he asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, the cold breeze are nothing to me." I confidently said.

He chuckled, taking his jacket off. He went to me and made me wore it, I let him, not bothered by his kind gesture. ”Sure, that short of yours wouldn't help any of it." He declared, taking a seat beside me.

It was silent for a bit before I decided broke it.

"What are you up to this late?" I interjected, diverted my head at him only to caught him staring back.

"I could say the same for you." He let out, turning his gaze on the sunset. "I saw you, my house is just behind this park."

I turned around on my seat, looking at the enormous house that's exactly behind the park. "That house?" He nodded at me. "Ah," I let out with a nod. I never seen him around the neighborhood before, perhaps he's new?

"You know, a girl can't be here this late," he stated.

That made me looked down on my feet. "I know, I needed fresh air." I answered, also pondered if it sounded plausible.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm a good listener." He kindly spoke. I shook my head at him.

"It's complicated, feelings related." I simply said, "I don't know, I think I'm confused."

"Feelings are complex, but don't hurt yourself for it." He stood up from his seat, extended his hand at me. "Come on, let me walk you home."

I glanced at his hand then him, briefly wondered about it. I gladly held his hand, leading him to my house whereabouts. The journey was filled with comfortable silent, his warm hand with my cold one, it was one comforting feeling.

Our steps came into a halt once we reached the entrance door, I flinched when the door flew opened, quite swiftly. And there he is, the man that I didn't wished to see, Taehyung.

"Y/n. Where were you? And who's this?" He sternly let out, I simply ignored him.

"Thank you." I shortly uttered to Namjoon. He sent me a smile.

"Anytime. If you need anything, you know where to find me." He unattached our hands which I forgot about, stepping away from my house.

Before I could land my eyes on Taehyung, he pulled me into the house rather aggressively.

"The fuck you're doing!" I yelled at him, tried pulling my arm from his hold, attempting to escape but none of my efforts were brought to an achievement.

"ANSWER. MY. QUESTIONS." He frustratedly shouted at my face, caused me to tensed up. When man shouted, it scared me greatly.

"Y- you care for me at first then second you fucked her like I wasn't there!" I wailed, tears stream down my face drastically. "So what's the point of me telling you anything about me!" I shouted weakly.

His grip on my arm loosened, I took the chance to run away, going for the stairs and left him behind. I wanted to isolate myself so bad.

Taehyung's POV.

My heart dropped at her words. She did took most of my action seriously, and I wasn't aware of it. Wind of regrets flew directly at me. I fucked up big time, didn't I?


a/n: if you enjoyed this chapter please vote! i will update more as long as people are enjoying my story. thank you <3

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