The beast roared, then the hellhound roared. The beast turned and ran, and the hellhound followed.

"What the hell's happening?" Stiles asked as we all stood and stared in confusion and fear, as the two creatures disappeared into the night,

"It's getting smarter," Scott stated,

"It's getting smarter," Scott stated,

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Jordan's POV

"You need a shower,"

His voice pulled me back to reality, which was my dark, studio apartment. I blinked, once, twice, three times. Everything came into focus and I saw him sitting on the edge of my bed, even in the faint light of the morning, I could see the concern on his face.

"What... what you doing here?" I asked, I turned around to look for Chris, "Where's..."

"He's not here, its just us," Leo muttered, I turned back to him, he stood up and stepped closer to me, I looked down at myself and saw the grime and ash all over my body, so much that I could barely see my own skin, "Hey? Where'd you go?"

I looked up at him as he closer.

"What happened?" I asked him and he sighed, "I remember laying down on the couch, and now, I'm here,"

"You went full WWE on the Beast and lived to tell the tale," Leo said with a soft smile, I tried to speak but I couldn't find the words, "And now you really need a shower,"

I could barely speak as Leo took my hand and led me in my bathroom, I registered the shower being turned on, then I heard the door shut, I turned back to see Leo pulling off his shirt, he was bare chested, I saw the marking over his heart, the well defined muscles on his body, then a happy trail that lead to his belt. A belt which he was now reaching to undo.

"Leo, you shouldn't," I called out and he looked up at me, his face turned pink,

"Oh! I'm sorry, if you're not comfortabl-" Leo begun to say halting his actions,

"No, it's not that," I said to him, I looked down at my hands and saw the blood was already sticking and turning dark on them, I clenched my fists and saw how dark and bruised they were, "You shouldn't be here, with me... I'm dangerous,"

I looked up at Leo, and saw his face soften. He reached back for his belt and continued to undress himself, I looked away, trying to give him the slightest decency, even though we practically naked now. He pushed me back until I felt the hot spray of water hitting my back, but it didn't phase me. He pulled the glass door shut, leaving barely any room being us.

"Close your eyes," Leo told me, I frowned at him and he tilted his head slightest, "Trust me, and close them,"

I sighed and did as he told me.

"Now open them," Leo spoke but his voice was different, gruffier, deeper almost, I opened my eyes, and instead of his normal hazel eyes, I was met with two orbs of red,

The Hunted • Teen Wolfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن