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the "natural" way

exactly what it says

you and your love interest wanted a baby so you actively tried for it

maybe it happened on the first try, maybe you've been trying for months or years

either way, you wanted it, and now you got it

requirements: must be in a longterm relationship (boyfriend/fiance/husband) with your chosen love interest


whether it be from not being able to have a kid of your own, not wanting to be pregnant yourself but wanting to have a child, or just thinking its more important to service the kids in the system than to bring another child into the world, you are adopting a child

will it be a baby, an older child, or a teenager?

will it be siblings?

you get to decide!

you also get to choose if you are adopting with your love interest or if you adopt as a single mother and meet your love interest along the way


after struggling with trying to conceive for years, you and your love interest are going the route of IVF

it's a long and grueling process but it will be worth it in the end

requirements: must give birth to multiples (twins, triplets, maybe more if you dare)

artificial insemination

want a kid but don't want the emotional damage brought on by a man? then artificial insemination is your way to go

you're a strong independent woman who is finally to the point in her career where she's ready to  have a child of her own

after doing research on the best way to go about it--formal clinics with private donors, meeting the donors face to face and working out details, etc.--your ready to let someone's sperm fertilize you're egg

requirements: love interest must be the sperm donor


you want to make a difference in the world but aren't sure if you're ready to commit to a full adoption just yet

so you decide to foster kids and provide them with a good life and try to lessen their trauma as much as you can while their parents attempt (or not) to get themselves together for their kids

unplanned pregnancy

you hadn't even really given having kids a thought when you suddenly found yourself staring down at two pink lines

and yet here you are and now you have a lot of decisions to make

fur babies

having kids is not for you and you're just waiting for the day your doctor agrees to sterilize you so that you won't even have to worry about it

but you do love animals so you decide to get a new puppy or kitten to have your own little family and not just as a fuck you to your mother who thinks there's something wrong with you for not wanting kids

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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