14♡; minnesota

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third personfebruary 26th, 2022

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third person
february 26th, 2022

"are we there yet?" micky groaned for the fourth time from the backseat. "god, why did we bring you with us?" daniel mumbled from the drivers seat, more so asking himself than micky.

the group had finally made it to minnesota. it wasn't a very long flight, but they still had to drive for a good hour to get to lola's home. they had a couple hours to rest on the plane, so they weren't really bothered, they were mainly conversating amongst themselves. but micky on the other hand, being the 16 year old he is, would not shut up about it.

"this is just adding another reason to the list on why we should kick micky from the group." lola nodded as she lifted her head from vinnie's shoulder. it somewhat made vinnie feel relieved. not because he didn't enjoy her being touchy with him, but because he enjoyed it too much.

"shut up, rat." micky replied loud and proud, making lola's jaw drop as the rest of the group laughed.

they treated each other terribly. if a stranger hung out with them for a day, they'd probably assume that they all hated each other.

"are you excited to see your mom, or more nervous?" vinnie asked the girl sitting next to him once everyone had calmed down. "excited. a little nervous for her to meet you, but mainly excited." lola answered, rubbing her right eye. vinnie frowned a little, "why are you nervous?"

"my mom is...weird." she hesitated, looking at him now. vinnie shrugged with a smile, "well so are you, and we ended up fine."

lola laughed and punched his shoulder, "shut up."

the two just smiled at each other before lola rested her head back on his shoulder, resting her eyes for the remainder of the drive.


the group soon got out of the car, leaving their luggage behind as they would just get it later on that night.

"she better hug me first," lola was the first to speak up, making the other four laugh. she smiled and took a deep breath before knocking on the door, as hard as she could.

"i'm coming, damn!" the group heard a woman yell from inside, causing them all to laugh. lola smiled wide, feeling tears brim her eyes just at the sound of her mother's voice. it had been so long.

the door swung opened, and lola almost thought she would pass out when she saw the face of the woman who raised her. she quickly wrapped her arms around her, embracing her in a long awaited hug and smiling when she heard her chuckle.

vinnie couldn't help but grin at the sight.

"i don't remember you being this tall," lola's mother stated, pulling away from the hug to cup her face. "oh my god, look at my baby," her lips pouted and she kissed lola's cheek before hugging her again. "i missed you so much, mama." lola shed a tear in reply. she almost didn't realize just how much she missed her mom until she was right infront of her.

veondre loudly cleared her throat as the family pulled away, resulting in a shove from daniel. lola's mom laughed and opened her arms again, "come here, child. always needing attention."

veondre grinned a proud smile and went into the older woman's arms, "hey, ms. aldana. i'm still your favorite, right? just checking, cause that hug seemed a lil personal."

"girl, if you don't go on somewhere!" ms. aldana snorted as she pulled away from the hug. "hey ms. al," micky grinned as she pulled him and daniel into a group hug.

vinnie kind of just stood off to the side awkwardly waiting for his existence to me acknowledged, swaying from one foot to another.

ms. aldana raised an eyebrow when her eyes met the 5'11 teenage boy she had never seen before. "who's goddamn white son is that?" she asked, looking over at lola as veondre slightly failed at trying to hold in her laugh.

"this is vinnie," lola gave out a small smile as she stood next to him, "vinnie, this is my mama."

"u-um, nice to meet you, ma'am," vinnie smiled nervously as he held out his shaky hand, mentally sighing in relief when she accepted his handshake. for some reason, it felt like he was meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time.

"you can call me elana, baby," her mother smiled in reply, just being polite as she definitely wasn't expecting him to call her by her first name, "i'm assuming your the boy who flew my babies out to see me?"

vinnie's smile lifted from nervous to proud, "yes ma'am."

ms. aldana gave him a thankful smile and put her other hand on top of his, "thank you."

vinnie felt his heart warm up.

"y'all, come on in!" the woman smiled at them, leading them into her home. "i missed this house so much," lola smiled softly as she looked around at the place where she grew up. "it missed you too, baby. i still haven't rearranged your room." ms. aldana shook her head, "y'all thirsty?"

"very much so." daniel groaned as she pulled some pink lemonade out of the fridge. "how long was the flight? poor babies, must've been so bored." she shook her head as she filled some glass cups for them.

"only 4 hours, but it felt alot longer," micky yawned. "mhm, i bet. oh, lola, amahree missed you so much. he's gonna be so excited to see y'all." ms. aldana chuckled, making vinnie's head shoot up at the sound of another guy missing lola.

lola smiled, "I'll visit him later."

"anyways, y'all hungry? i just made some pie earlier today."

"y'all can stay down here and get some snacks, i'm gonna show vin my room." lola grinned, grabbing vinnie's hand and quickly dragging him upstairs to her long lost bedroom.

the girl's mother immediately looked at the remainders of the group when they were out of earshot, "alright, what's up with them two?"

"veondre thinks they secretly like each other, daniel thinks they're secretly dating, and i think they're both in denial and have repressed feelings that they haven't discovered yet." micky nodded, immediately knowing what ms. aldana was implying.

"is he a good kid? he seems sweet, but i don't know if i trust that child." she frowned in reply, sitting at the dinner table. "he's really good for her. i mean, they're good for each other." daniel shrugged as he sat next to her.

"yeah. he's really considerate, and funny too. if he wasn't white, he'd be the jackpot." veondre nodded in agreement, making them all laugh.

"mhm," ms. aldana looked in the direction of the staircase, "i guess I'll just have to find out myself."

authors note
sorry this is kinda short 😭😭 was gonna do a bit where lolas mom kinda like threatened him but it was a bit TOO odd/unrealistic
how was yalls spring break tho🤭

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