Chapter 8:🥰Oblivious Cafeteria Crushes🥰

Start from the beginning

"Do you know what you're going to eat?" A deep, husky, soft voice whispered in my ear. I jumped in shock, quickly swinging around, ready to punch whoever was behind me, but stopped when I saw who it was.

"Woah! It's just me." Ben said, surrendering his hand. I breathed out a sigh in relief, lowering my hands.

"Don't do that, Ben. You scared me." I said with a small smile. He chuckled as he came to stand by my side.

"And to answer your question, no, I haven't. Everything looks too good and I don't know where to begin." I said with a pout.

"How about you close your eyes and I'll choose for you?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow at him while I thought about it.

"Okay." I said. I felt his hands touch mine as he grabbed my tray from my hands.

"No peeking." He said sternly. I giggled a bit before closing my eyes. A few minutes passed before he gave me my tray back.

"Open your eyes." He said. I did as told and looked down to see different foods on my tray. I smiled at him.

"Thanks." I said while flashing him a smile before going to find Mal and the others.

"Finally! We were starting to get worried you'd never come." Expressed Evie before eating her breakfast.

"What did you get?" Caelos asked, but I just shrugged my shoulders. All of this looked new to me.

"I don't know. Ben chose for me." I explained. Evie squealed.

"Awe, that's so sweet of him, just like a true prince charming!" She said. I chuckled while slightly shaking my head.

"Okay, guys, focus. We need to come up with a way to get that wand. Got any ideas?" Mal asked us in hushed whispers. Before any of us could respond, Lonnie came up to our table with a girl with dark hair by her side.

 Before any of us could respond, Lonnie came up to our table with a girl with dark hair by her side

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"Hey, Nevaeh, my friends and I were wondering if you'd like to come sit with us?" Asked Lonnie.

"Oh! Um, thanks for the offer, but I don't want to leave my friends." I said with a small smile.

"Oh, okay." Lonnie said before starting to leave with the other girl.

"Go sit with them, it'll help us keep up the goody-goody act and maybe be able to get the wand." Mal whispered in my ear. Nodding my head, I quickly called out a "Wait!" Lonnie and the girl stopped and turned around to look at me.

"Bye guys." I said to the others before grabbing my tray and going over to them.

"I changed my mind. I would like to sit with you guys." I smiled.

"Awesome! Let's go." The other girl said, whose name I have yet to know.

"Oh! Nevaeh, this is one of my best friends, Raelynn, daughter of Little Red Riding Hood. Raelynn, this is Nevaeh, daughter of Queen Narissa and my roommate." Lonnie said.

His Wickedly Enchanting Princess ◇《Prince Ben x oc》◇Where stories live. Discover now