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10:45 AM, Yellow Sea, near the Chinese-North Korean border.

The ferry MV Mangyongbong 92 is cruising at a steady speed of 20 knots. It's been only a few hours since its recommissioning in the Korean People's Navy. It's been about two years that it had been placed in drydock for its overhaul. Ever since it was launched for the first time in 1992, it always had its own problems. Malfunctioning computers and radars, cramped up rooms, toilets that are not working and faucets with tea-like water. In general, there was nothing good about that vessel.

Thanks to the Supreme Leader's funding though, the vessel won't be experiencing anything like that any time soon. He saw how bad things were on this vessel and had heard about the negative comments that were made by the Chinese tourists. To prevent more negative comments by tourists for his country, he decided to modernize the vessel so that every time tourists visit the nation, they would feel more comfortable when riding on the ship. He could have used the money to modernize the facilities of his country so that his people could live in better conditions but no, he only cares about what foreigners think.

Now the vessel is as good as new. With its old computers replaced, its rooms extended and the water cleaned, the vessel is one of the most advanced ships of the DPRK. Now that's it's been upgraded to the fullest, the tourists won't be complaining again any time soon.

Today's mission is to attend a live firing test to check the vessel's new weapon systems. You see, the ship is not just a passenger ferry that is transporting tourists to and from China. It is also a military vessel equipped with the most advanced anti-ship missiles, surface-to-air missiles and ballistic missiles. Due to the lack of modern frigates and corvettes, the Supreme Leader decided to weaponize all big vessels, including merchant ship, from fishing trawlers to oil tankers. He thinks that this way he'll make his nation's navy stronger and will outmatch the navy of the South and the navy of the US. He doesn't seem to know that this will simply delay his country's defeat in case of war.

After about three to four hours of cruising at a steady speed of 15 knots, the vessel meets up with the rest of the fleet which consists of two nongo-class missile boats, one Najin-class frigate, two Sariwon-class corvettes, five Soju-slass missile boats and 40 Chaho-class and Kusong-class patrol boats. The reason they have mobilized all those ships is because the operation is supposed to be top secret. Nobody is to find out what is happening here. Any fishing vessel that approaches the defense perimeter, will be fired upon and sunk along with its crews killed. It's cruel of course, but secrecy must be maintained.

Captain Yi is in command of the Mangyongbong 92. He is excited that the Supreme Leader has assigned him personally to be in charge of the most advanced vessel in the navy. Being a captain on a merchant vessel for almost 20 years, he knows sea pretty well. It's like his second home. In fact, he hopes that the sea will be his resting place when he dies. 

After a few minutes, a voice is heard on the radio.

-'Sinpo to Mangyongbong 92, Sinpo to Mangyongbong 92, are you receiving me?', asks the voice.

-'This is the MV Mangyongbong 92, I read you loud and clear', replies captain Yi.

Sinpo is the name of one of the Nongo-class missile boats that was put in service recently in the Korean People's Navy and is currently serving as the flagship of the East Sea Fleet, one of the two fleets of the DPRK. The vessel will be in charge of supervising the ferry during its live firing exercise.

-'About time, you're late', says the voice on the radio.

-'Minor engine malfunction comrade', replies captain Yi. 'But we've fixed it no so we shouldn't be having any problems now'.

-'Glad to hear it comrade', says the voice. 'It would be a pity if all that money was wasted'.

-'I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with the vessel comrade', replies Yi again. 'A minor malfunction is nothing if it can be handled with ease'.

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