"Don't ask me, she knows these things," Hitoshi held his hands up in reply.

"Great. More terms I have to find out from my students in the future," he sighed heavily.

My aunt and I overheard his comment and giggled. I wanted to spare him and tell him and the others what it meant, but I decided against it.

"Let's all head inside now," my aunt announced while taking the lead.

Our party of five followed her and arrived at the private training room. Since the adults were already wearing their excercise clothes under their outfits, it was only Hitoshi and I that needed to change. Afterwards, we met up with our mentors on separate large training mats; Hitoshi faced off against Mr. Aizawa and I faced off with Sir Nighteye.

"You both have improved and the exams are around the corner, so we decided it's time for a test," Mr. Aizawa revealed while getting into his stance, causing Hitoshi to do the same.

"Yes, like Aizawa said, today we will be evaluating your skill, speed, endurance, strength, offense and defense," Sir Nighteye added and took a fighting stance.

I dropped all forms of friendliness and got into my stance as well.

"Now, let's see how far you've come," he added in a more serious tone.

"Begin!" My aunt popped a little streamer toy and triggered the fights.

Since Sir Nighteye didn't know my moves, he was at a slight disadvantage. However, since he was a Pro, he could predict my moves either way if I wasn't tactical enough. With that said, he decided to make the first move and advance forward.

I knew every move he would make, so I side stepped him. Unfortunately, he read into my move and immediately spun on his heel to try to land a kick. But once again, I knew his intentions and dodged by ducking with a splits then quickly side tumbled to put distance between us.

"Awesome job Rini!" My aunt cheered in the background.

I smiled at her praise and continued dodging Sir Nighteye's attempts effortlessly. He'd throw punch after punch, and I'd duck, weave, and sidestep them all.

"Good defense, you really did perfect my technique" he noted while he continued advancing. "But how good are you with offense?" He abruptly stopped and gestured with his hands to come at him.

I smiled to myself knowing I already won this fight prior to starting. It wasn't ego, I just knew the outcome.

With that confident smile still stuck on my face, I advanced and began the convoluted process of predicting his moves then returning my own. I took steps forward and he'd dodge them with ease despite not having any knowledge from his quirk to help him. He was a Pro, that was for sure.

I hadn't landed a hit on him yet so I enacted my next phase. I started using my wits and gymnastics. I switched moves and started throwing in dynamic twists, roundhouse or spin kicks, and more.

Sir Nighteye started getting overwhelmed. He tried to match my speed, my ferocity, my moves with his own but I wasn't giving him enough time to react.

Then finally, I won.

With an overwhelming leg sweep to make him step back and lose his balance, followed by a quick spin-around kick, he tumbled and landed on his back a good few feet away. He took a moment to gather his senses while I stayed in my stance steadying my breath.

During our fight, Hitoshi had his own with Mr. Aizawa. I saw in my periphery how he and Mr Aizawa circled each other plenty of times. He'd throw a punch, Hitoshi would dodge and step back. When Hitoshi tried to land a kick, he'd block and throw him off. Neither of them took the lead and I figured it was Mr Aizawa testing Hitoshi's will and courage to take him down, AKA confronting his idol.

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