
174 4 2
  • Присвячено The Best Mom in the World


It is silent.

The birds aren’t singing.

The squirrels aren’t chattering.

The bees aren’t buzzing.

Storm clouds are rolling in.

The sky grows darker with




People swirl past me in a mad rush

to get home

and to thrust their hands

in the face of the fireplace.

I am left alone

in the daunting silence.

But not for long.

Savage winds lash out,

erupting from nowhere.

Most people would throw their hoods on and fight against it.

But me?

I spread my arms out and welcome it, feeling like I can fly.

Merciless bullets of sparkling beads

pound on every horizontal surface.

Most people would cringe in fear.

But me?

I dance in pure bliss.

A flash of lightning shoots across the sky,

temporarily blinding me.

I glance up at the heavens

and shine with my brightest smile,

hoping God captured the moment.

A deafening roar of thunder rips through the land

and I laugh,

familiar with God’s grumble of approval,

I know

the Lord got the perfect



Note from the Author:

I usually don't tend to write poems about the Lord because this is a multi-cultural environment and everyone has different religions. But I wrote this because my great great uncle was an extremely religous man and he wrote many poems about God, so I decided to write one. Anyhow, I'm sorry if this offends you if you're not Christian. On the other hand, vote&comment!

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