So This Is Serenity...

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So This Is Serenity…

I can feel the blazing,


sun beating down upon my skin.

I can feel the cool breeze causing the


leaves of the willow trees to sway to the rhythm of nature.

I can feel the soft,


earth cushioning my heels with every step.

I can feel the

grass and the


tulips dancing jubilantly around my feet.

I can feel the


pond water rippling beneath my fingertips.

I can feel the serenity.


Note from the Poet:

I'm a serious tree-hugger (<-that means I'm serious about tree-hugging). I lovelovelove nature, so be kind to it, for me. :) Littering and pollution aren't pretty. :( Also, when you have the time, find a quiet place outside, and just sit and observe the remarkable capabilites of Mother Nature.  Vote&comment! 

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