Chapter 10: Guarding the Water

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The sun had began to rise. A beautiful pink light covered the land below. All was quiet except for the tiniest waves in the river and the grass swaying. Together they created nature's harmony. Inside of the the dark cave, the group slept. And from that cave, a noise broke the harmony.
"Cole! Can you shut up!" The lightning ninja had awoken due to Cole's loud snoring. "For God's sake, I have to go through it when we're in the monastery, but it's even worse here!"
"Yea? Well sometimes I hear you call your pillow Nya and give it kisses!"
"Oh! That's offensive! I had to go through so much when she turned into... Uh... salt water!"
"You know that's an insult to Nya! Wait, were are the kids?"Jay was about to insult Cole when he halted. He was as concerned as the master of earth. Where had they gone? In a panic they both ran outside, Jay falling over Cole. As they layed in a heap relief washed over the two.

"He said they will come in the morning, right?" Zane questioned a panicked Belle and a twitching Echo.
"Y-yes, but I don't know when in the morning. They could come now!" The girl stuttered as she fidgeted uncomfortably. Glaring at eachother angrily, Jay and Cole approached the trio. Echo was the first to notice them. He looked at them with shame before looking down at the floor.
"Hey little guy, what's the problem?" Cole asked the small robot.
"W-well while all of you were asleep, me and Belle sneaked out of the cave, a-and w-well..." He was interrupted by a loud sound. No, it wasn't just one sound. Like a herd of buffalo approaching, shadows cast over the group. Lloyd and Kai scuttled to the others, drenched in water. Zane moved into a battle position. Were these the dragons the children had told him about?

"Zane, what's happening?" Lloyd asked the nindroid, confused.
"No time to tell! Get ready to fight!" Warned Zane. The others did as told, except for the children who hid behind the ninja.

But then, the noise faded away. Silence. Relieved, Kai began to head back to the river, followed by Lloyd who shot the two children a warning glance. This caused Belle and Echo to run back to the cave as the trio left stood there in relief.

"I was just thinking, Kai, you said you were scared of water! Why are you here fishing with me?" The green ninja asked as he struggled to catch a fish.
"I'm not fishing, just going to be cooking the food. I was thinking, Lloyd, how come the green ninja, the one who destroyed the overlord and can harness multiple powers, can't catch a single fish?" Kai sniggered as he sat on the grass. Lloyd rolled his eyes before jumping back into the water again. This time he came back up with a fish that almost immediately broke free of his grasp and hit the fire ninja in the face, causing him to fall into the lake. Lloyd sniggered to himself as Kai surfaced to the water, his eyes wide with shock. He swam to land quickly and crawled away from the lake.
"How'd ya like that?" Lloyd laughed. Kai didn't respond, though. He was shaking. Something was wrong. He wasn't shocked, he was afraid. But of what? A dark shadow appeared under the water. It was only small, like one of the fish. Lloyd laughed to himself. Kai was scared of a fish? This shadow began to grow though, as if it was moving quickly to the surface. Swimming to land, Lloyd was as terrified as Kai, but instead of sitting on the floor in fear, he jumped to his feet. Water was threw up into the air as a huge serpent like creature emerged from the water. It was similar to Wojira, with huge horns and teeth sharp enough to slice a watermelon in half with ease. It let out an ear piercing roar before focusing on the two ninja. Swimming silently in the water, it approached them before opening its mouth, ready to strike. But then it turned around. Some of the lake below had been frozen as Zane had missed his attack. The blue, black and white ninja ran forwards. This alerted Kai who jumped up, pretending that nothing had happened. This must of been the "dragon" that the children had warned about!

The sea serpent locked it's gaze onto the trio, swimming away from Kai and Lloyd. It approached slowly, halting to a stop for a split second before speeding towards the master of ice. The nindroid shot a speeding blast of ice into its mouth, making it almost impossible for the beast to close it's great jaws. This angered the beast even more as it flailed about. Meanwhile, footsteps could be heard in the distance as two figures approached Jay.
"To make up for what we did, we'll fight this big, sea serpent thing!" Belle announced, her voice becoming more unsure as she finished speaking.
"And win!" Echo, on the other hand sounded very confident. "I was built to protect those who cannot protect themselves!"
The two then jumped out from behind the lightning ninja as they lunged for the serpent. Jay quickly followed them, shooting it with a blast of electricity that caught Echo off guard and shattering the ice prying the serpent's mouth open, causing him to fall over mid-air. Landing on the beast's head, Echo clung on for dear life as the serpent shook it's head in an attempt to free itself. Fortunately, this allowed the ninja to attack the serpent easily. Cole jumped into the air before landing back on the ground heavily, causing the earth below to shoot up into spikes. These spikes surrounded the creature as it finally broke free of the robot's grasp. Luckily, Kai caught Echo before he hit the ground. Finally, Lloyd began to create a huge ball of green energy, using up his own energy. The serpent quickly retreated into the water as the ninja caught their breath. Fighting the beast had drained all of their energy.

The flapping of wings was heard once more as Cole sat down and Kai flicked the rust off his gi. They knew that these dragons were harmless from before and they didn't worry. Yet, something felt off. There was a loud screech as one of the dragons began to race towards the ground, falling out of order. It was heading straight for the distracted fire ninja!
"Kai!" Belle shouted as the red ninja looked up just as the beast pinned him to the ground. Kai was too tired to use his elemental power, or even fight back after fighting off the sea serpent. Lloyd ran at the dragon before being hit in the face by its tail. Even the green ninja was tired. The dragon screeched again, allerting another fivedragons as they sped towards the ground. One of these dragons raced towards Echo as he laid on the ground. Belle rushed forwards, but quickly regretted her action as she grabbed her friend by the arm. She struggled to pull her metal friend along. The dragon quickly scooped both of them up in its jaws, holding them similarly to a crocodile and it's children. The other dragons did the same, except for one attempting to pick both Cole and Jay up. Finding Cole too heavy, it dropped the fighting lightning ninja and began to fly off with the earth ninja in its jaws, leaving another dragon dragon to pick Jay up. Following behind, the others set off.

A random note: Hey! So a few things have happened so I'm gonna just say them now.
Number 1: Happy late Easter everyone!
Number 2: I won't be posting as often as I will be having exams starting from tommorow.
Number 3: Ive got my second follower! Thank you so much!
So yea, that's all! Thank you all again! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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