Chapter 1:The Origin Of Elemental Masters

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Celeste was asleep. She lived in her cave with her friend, Willow. Yesterday she had to do an announcement to all the dragons of the island, and doing it had made her exhausted. She had also promised some dragon cubs she would play with them, but she didn't remember, as all she thought of was a nice, long sleep.

Since she was sleeping, she didn't hear the sound of claws clicking on the ground. Willow had gone out, so no one was there to alert her. The clicking got louder and louder. It then stopped. "Celeste." A voice said. It was speaking softly. Whatever said that nudged her. Celeste didn't react as she was still dreaming. She was in a dream that was perfect. Nothing could wake her up. "Celeste." The voice spoke louder this time, as if it was annoyed. She was nudged again, but harder. She rolled onto her side, but still, she was asleep. Then there was the sound of whispering and the clicking of more claws. She was pushed onto her back again. She then felt something land on her stomach and crawl up to were her neck began. There was more whispering. She then heard the voice one last time. This time it was screaming as loud as it possibly could. "Celeste!"

Celeste flung her eyes open. Her neck flicked up, and she looked around the room, her amber eyes reflecting the sun's light. She then looked down at her stomach. A small, red dragon cub was standing on the navy scales that plated her stomach. He was wagging his tail like a dog as he laughed. Other dragon cubs were around her, laughing, and she couldn't help joining in. "Celeste, let's play!" The red cub said, "you promised you'd play with us!" Celeste was reminded of what she had told the cubs, and she didn't want to let them down. "Ok, ok!" She giggled as she spoke. "Let me get ready and we can play whatever you want!" The cubs all shouted yay excitedly in unison before they walked out of Celeste's cave, the clicking of claws was heard one last time.

Celeste walked over to the puddle in the cave. The puddle was made inside a dent in the ground, and a hole in the roof was above it. She cupped her claws and threw the water on her face. She did this every morning so she was fully awake. After that she went over to the baskets that contained food. She opened the one that had a crudely written label on it that read "fruit" and she took out an apple. While she ate it, her friend, Willow, entered the cave. "How are you this morning? You seemed to sleep in." She said with a smug look on her face. Celeste turned around and sighed. "Yea. I expected I would. Boy, that announcement was really..." Celeste tried to think of a word. "Something." "I agree. So, anyways, you seem like your gonna go out to do something. What are you getting ready for?" Willow asked, as she did so she tilted her head. Celeste took a bite out of her apple. "I'm going to go play with the kids. And before you ask, I don't know what game they want to play." Celeste murmured before swallowing the apple. They both laughed quietly before Celeste waved goodbye to Willow and she walked to the exit of the cave.

As Celeste got closer to the cave's exit, the same cub that had jumped on her started to peek out from the side. After seeing her, he retreated back and the sound of whispering and giggling could be heard. When she got to the exit, she looked around. The dragon cubs were in plain sight, but they believed they were hiding. One jumped out, attempting to roar, but the noise she made sounded more like a rawr. Due to her horns being too big, she landed face first on the ground."Tanwen, are you alright?" Celeste asked, concerned. Tanwen began to laugh. "Yea! You should of seen your face!" She was the tougher one of the cubs, but was still quite skittish. A small, silver dragon cub walked up behind Tanwen. He looked up at Celeste; he spoke in a quiet voice. "We want to play bakery." "Yea! Sterling came up with the idea! He's the best at coming up with them! He said humans don't have to breath fire to cook food, and they use technology!" Tanwen said, her voice was quite loud. The silver cub blushed. "Sounds fun! Let's head off then!" Celeste replied as she began to walk forwards with the cubs running around behind her.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind them; it was only just visible as it was under the shadow of the cave. It closed its wings; they seemed sharp enough to cut through steel and wide enough to cut three trees at one. Its yellow eyes glared down at them: they were brighter than the sun and the only thing that they could make out from under the darkness. It moved forwards slowly and it's true size was revealed; it was the same size as a house. It moved its huge claw up to its mouth and it coughed. The cubs were shaking from fear, even Tanwen, expecting to hear a deep, booming voice. But they were wrong. "Hello Celeste! What are you doing?" The figure's voice didn't sound threatening at all. It sounded more like a young man you'd expect to see working at a grocery store. As it said this, it stepped out of the light; its face seemed to look quite friendly too. "Hi Dad, I'm just going to play with the cubs." Celeste said, showing no sign of fear. She was used to her dad's dramatic entrance. The cubs started whispering to each other. "That's her dad?" "He seems quite friendly." "He looks like a goat." Celeste's dad looked at the cubs. As he did, Sterling hid behind Tanwen. "What are you all going to play then?" Celeste's dad asked the cubs. Tanwen was about to speak, but Sterling built up the courage to reply instead. "Bakery, sir." Hearing the word sir, the huge dragon burst into laughter. "Sorry for scaring you kids, you can call me Aldrich. Also, bakery sounds fun. Humans have a really interesting way of cooking food!" After saying this, the cubs started to feel less scared. Aldrich continued, "Could you kids wait a bit? Me and Celeste have to have a chat about something." All of the cubs sighed sadly. They had waited patiently for a day now, and they had to wait even longer. They would of spoke out about how they felt, they didn't want to wait a second longer, but they were scared that the huge dragon would stop being as nice. "Aw, ok..." they all said sadly. They then walked off, heads down and tails tucked under. "Celeste, come with me." Aldrich said as he jumped over the river outside of Celeste's cave and ran up the hill that was on the other side of it. Celeste followed him, running as fast as she could.

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