Chapter 2: Stone Bed

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Belle woke up. All she saw was darkness. She felt in front of her. It seemed to be stone, bricks to be exact. She felt bellow her. It was the same, still stone. She pushed at the bricks in front of her, and she could see light through a crack. She continued to push until the brick fell. Her home was destroyed. She didn't know how, but she wanted answers. She pushed at another brick, creating a gap big enough for her to crawl through. She managed to escape the stone igloo that she was trapped in.

Belle looked at the remains of her house. It was just a stone rectangle on the floor. The only parts left were some bricks that were aflame and her plush fox. She picked it up, it was her favourite thing. It made her feel safe. She squeezed it as she realised something. Her mother and dog were gone. "Mum!" She shouted, looking around to see if anyone came. All she heard was her own voice. "Maddie!" She tried again, this time shouting her dog's name. She heard some footsteps and she turned around. She was expecting to see a black dog, but instead she saw a beast. It had spikes on its snout, back and chest. Its black scales shone in the light of the half emerged sun. It stared at Belle for a few seconds before it started to run towards her. Belle quickly stood up and ran away from the wyvern, dropping her only source of comfort as she did.

Belle ran as fast as she could. She knew that the wyvern would eventually catch up to her, and she knew she would have to do something instead of running in a straight line to escape. Eventually, she came across a bridge. It was the one that allowed her and her mother to walk into Ninjago City. She looked to the side of the bridge. There was a lake that ran out to sea. It seemed quite deep. Knowing this, Belle jumped off the edge of the bridge. She had never fell as far as this before, and she started regretting her choice. She screamed as she plummeted into the water. There was a loud splash as she landed head first in the water. Meanwhile, the wyvern looked over to the lake. It couldn't swim. It was about to give up when it came up with a plan. It flew on top of a building, waiting for the girl to exit the river.

Belle was quite a strong swimmer, meaning she could get across the lake pretty fast. She decided to try to stay under water as the dragons and wyverns above wouldn't notice her. As she started her journey, a long snake like creature began to emerge from the ocean. Its fur was damp, and it noticed Belle. It began to make it's way towards her. Unfortunately, it seemed to swim a bit faster than Belle. As she swam, Belle noticed a familiar face. It was the elderly couple her and her mother got along well with. The man ran away from the dragon that was chasing him, but was caught by it. It grabbed him by the arms and began to fly away. Belle didn't want to be caught by a dragon as she didn't have good upper arm strength but also because she didn't want to be dragon food. She got closer and closer to the edge of the river, not noticing the creature that was racing towards her.

"This is crazy. There are so many dragons here." Cole said as the ninja got closer to the city. "They all seem pretty hungry too. Yikes, I hope we get everyone in time!" Jay replied. The ninja had decided to get there on foot as the dragons wouldn't be able to notice them as well. "It seems that the dragons are only going after select people." Zane said. Jay noticed a dragon chasing a citizen, and sneaked up behind it before electrocuting it. The dragon yelped before flying off. The citizen quickly ran inside of their house. "They seem to get scared off pretty easily. Everyone, use your elemental powers to scare them off!" Lloyd ordered the ninja, as they all started to scare the dragons off, one by one.

Belle crawled out of the river, she was damp and her clothes were soggy. She looked around and noticed a ladder. "That worked out well!"she thought to herself as she climbed up it. She got to the end of the bridge and looked around. The wyvern seemed to have stopped chasing her. Belle noticed a group of people. It wasn't just any people though, it was the ninja! Belle decided to tell the ninja what had happened in the hope they could help. When she began to run towards them, she started to the hear the flapping of wings from behind her. Before she could turn around, the wyvern grabbed her arms and had began to lift her off the ground.

Belle screamed as she was lifted into the air by the huge creature. Jay heard the screaming and alerted the other ninja. Belle was already as high up as her house now, well, the house before it was destroyed. She started to kick her legs as she felt the air brush against her face. "Cole, could you help me with something." Zane asked the master of earth. "Sure thing, tinbag!" He replied before smashing the ground and causing the earth to rise below Zane. When he was high enough, Zane shot ice at one of the dragons wings, causing the dragon to drop Belle and start to fall. Belle screamed again as she started to fall to the ground. She closed her eyes, expecting to feel her back hit the road beneath her, but instead she felt herself land between two metal hands. "Oof." She was quite dizzy after what had happened, so she didn't know who or what had caught her, but she was afraid that it could be the wyvern.

Zane slid down the small earth hill with the young girl in his arms. After seeing the coloured blurs around her, she snapped back and screamed one last time before realising she was surrounded by people, not dragons . This startled Jay who fell over. "Sorry." She said in a soft voice. She seemed quite nervous. "That was awesome!" Kai said to the girl, attempting to cheer her up. Zane put her down and helped her to stand on her two feet. She looked up at the ninja and smiled awkwardly. "Yea, I guess so." She replied. Lloyd looked around before turning back to the girl. "Where are your parents?" He asked her. "That's what I was going to tell you about before I was caught by that monster. My mum went missing and my home was destroyed. I was going to ask if you could help me in any way." She said back. The ninja stood thinking for a while before Jay jumped up. "Maybe she can stay at the monastery!"

A random note: Sorry if there a quite a lot of errors in this, I got lazy. I feel pretty proud about the image, but I understand it's not the best. This chapter would of only taken like 2 or 3 days, but I was pretty busy for week and a half. I'm excited to start on the next chapter, but I don't really know when its gonna come out, I guess you guys will have to stay tuned! Cya guys and thanks for reading!

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