Chapter 7: Drake And The Robot

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Drake laughed, his mouth opening wider than a bin. He was enjoying watching poor Echo Zane shake in fear. He leaned over and growled at him, the robot whimpering in response. "Drake, leave the poor thing alone. We're doing this for Aldrich, not for your pleasure." Aura said, feeling sympathetic for poor Echo Zane. Drake looked up. "Let me have some fun! I've finally got something! It's not the best, but the way it shakes when scared is so hilarious!" He snarled, almost dropping the robot in his claws. Aura decided that if she couldn't tell him to drop him, then she was going to take him by force.

"It looks like a wyvern." Zane said, looking at Belle. "A wyvern? What's that?" "It's like a dragon, but it only has one pair of legs and a pair of wings. The wings usually have claws on the end so they can be used as front legs." "Hey, you two! We need to stop that wyvern thing and real fast!" Cole shouted over to them. "We need to get down there without getting injured, though." Lloyd replied. They all thought in unison, but then Cole jumped off the edge of the cliff. "Happy it's not me." Zane mumbled to himself, before being pushed off the edge of the cliff by the others who decided to follow the earth ninja.

Meanwhile, Aura quickly snatched Echo Zane from the wyvern's claws. "Hey! I got it, it's mine!" He growled, running forwards. The robot had a smile on his face, yet his eyes showed pure shock and trauma. As the two snarled at eachother, they heard something in the distance. "What's.... that?" Aura said, squinting at the thing in the distance. She then realised it was multiple. Soon she got a good sight of them all. "Elemental Masters!" The two beasts said. Aura dropped the robot from fear while the wyvern jumped infront of her, a horrible smile on his face. "Finally!" He roared.

"The green ones noticed us. Get ready to fight!" Lloyd shouted to the others. "Stay here, we don't want you to get hurt!" He said, turning around to Belle. "Can I stay here? I don't think I'm in the mood for fighting." Jay laughed, too tired to fight. "Put that energy to use!" Cole snickered. Jay sighed and stood up. Luckily the ninja had their weapons on them. The bad news is that they were damaged due to the crash. This didn't stop them though, as they all ran forwards at Drake. Drake ran forwards too. He slammed his claw down, almost catching Jay, but he was hit in the eye by his nunchucks. Drake roared in pain. He needed to capture one. Just one. If he didn't he would be useless. A no one. Nothing. He ignored the pain and jumped at the master of fire, this time his snout being burnt by the fire that Kai controlled.  His eyes watered but his rage controlled him. He decided to go for an easier prey as he rushed towards Belle. The girl was ready to flee when Lloyd, Zane and Cole stood in the way, fighting the dragon off with their powers and weapons. Drake roared before flying off into the distance.

Aura was still holding onto Echo Zane when she saw Drake flee. She slowly turned around to the ninja, who looked like they were going to attack her too. She put the robot down, smiled nervously and flew away into the distance, trying to keep up with her enraged friend.

Belle was curious and walked infront of the ninja. She noticed Echo Zane and walked towards him before standing there and looking at him curiously for a few seconds. The robot was sat on the ground, his mouth still smiling and his eyes still full of fear. He seemed to be too confused to move, or deactivated. Belle helped him up. After standing on his two feet, Echo Zane came back to reality. "Are you alright?" The girl asked. The robot nodded.  "You look a bit like Zane. What is your name?" "I am Zane, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves! Wait. There's already a Zane?" "Yea. I know! Maybe you can think of a nickname for yourself!" "I don't know why, but for some reason I have the name Echo Zane stuck in my head." "Maybe we can shorten it down to... hmm.... Echo!" Echo smiled hearing his new name. "So, Echo. You said you protect people or something like that. You can't seem to protect yourself." After hearing what Cole said, Echo's smile disappeared and he looked down. "I guess I failed then." He then made a sniffing sound as if he were about to cry. Belle hugged him. "No, I think he means you can train to become better. I know, maybe you can stick with us?" The robot looked up again, a twinkle in his eyes. He jumped up, making a creaking sound due to all the rust, before shouting "Yes!"

The group started heading off again, Belle and Echo chatting to eachother at the back of the group. They seemed to get along well together. "Maybe this is what it feels like to have a friend", Belle thought to herself. As they continued chatting and the group kept moving, everyone seemed to get tired and cold. Everyone seemed to be wanting to give up, except for the two at the back who were still chatting to one another. "Jay." Zane said "you seemed a bit excited around that other me. Do you know him?" Jay turned and smiled awkwardly. He didn't want to explain everything so he decided to shorten it down. "He's just an old friend of mine and Nya's, that's all." The group then suddenly came to a halt, Echo falling over. Infront of them was a cave. It was empty but it had straw inside of it. It was if someone or something lived there. Or was expecting them. They all ran inside to get warm and to escape from the cold outside.

A figure stood outside of the cave. It was staring at Belle. "I can't believe it's her. I thought I would never see her again." It mumbled to itself before running off, just escaping the eyesight of the group.

Random note: Almost. 100. Views. I am so proud of myself! I wasn't expecting my story to get this big. Thank you so much everyone and I hope you've enjoyed reading this! Also, I finally shortened Echo's name. Writing his full name out all of the time got boring.

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