Chapter 5: 😎A Princess in Leather 😎

Start from the beginning

‘I thought I told her NOT to mention me becoming king to them.' He thought to himself. It was true; upon first announcing that five VKs would be coming to Auradon Prep, Ben gave Audrey specific instructions to keep his royal life-title included-out of any introductions that might be made upon meeting them. Ben didn't want them to think he was a stuck-up royal, he wanted them to be able to see him as a regular teenage boy, and maybe even a friend.

"You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess." A blue haired girl came up and curtsied. Ben smiled at her, but then Audrey decided that she would snip the rose in the bud.

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you." She said.

The shocked and saddened expression on Evie's face made Ben's heart strings tug. Ben didn't understand why Audrey said that. Was it because she didn't like the fact that villain kid is royalty or it it because Audrey's potentially jealous? Either way, it wasn't very royal or nice of Audrey to put down a new comer.

Ben chuckled nervously before introducing her.

"This is Audrey-"

"Princess Audrey, his girlfriend. Right benny-boo?" Audrey squealed, cutting off Ben in the process while forcing him to hold her hand. In all honesty, Ben was feeling very embarrassed by Audrey's behavior and actions, so much so, that he felt almost ashamed to even call her his girlfriend.

"Audrey, it? A true princess doesn't put down others or flaunt her crown." The beautiful girl from before said. Ben felt a smirk coming on, but did his best to hide it.

‘Not only is her voice beautiful, but she actually put Audrey in her place. I wonder what her name is.' He thought in awe.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Audrey sassed. Ben looked at the girl that spoke, waiting to find out the name of the mysterious beauty.

"Princess Nevaeh." Said the girl while doing a curtsey.

Nevaeh, that's heaven spelled backwards. Huh, a beautiful name fore a beautiful princess.' Ben thought to himself as he tested out the name in his head.

"Queen Narissa also has no royal status here and neither do you." Audrey said, a forced smile on her face.

‘There she goes again with that whole "no-royal-staus-thing". I'm pretty sure that's not even true, or at least, it shouldn't be true.' Ben thought angrily.

"As a princess, such as yourself, I advise you to do more work on your royal families. We wouldn't want a political feud to happen because someone was blinded by ignorance and didn't do their research." Nevaeh stated. Even though she said it in a calm manner, the fierce look she was giving Audrey showed she meant business.

‘Wow, she's amazing. Instead of lashing out, she handled the situation calmly and didn't back down.' Ben thought as he looked at the ebony haired girl in awe.

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around and I'll see you tomorrow," Fairy Godmother smiled.

"The doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00, and as we may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews." She said, breaking up Ben and Audrey's hands in the process.

Honestly, Ben was distracted by Nevaeh that he forgot he was even holding Audrey's hand. Once Fairy Godmother and the marching band left, Ben came forward ready to greet them.

"It is so, so, so good to finally m-meet you," He went to shake Jay's hand, but stumbled over his words as he was punched in the chest.

He chuckled nervously before moving on to shake Mal's hand, and then Nevaeh's. As they shook hands, she gave him a smile and a head tilt, both of which Ben found adorable. But there was more, something else that was there. At first contact Ben felt a tingling sensation run down, from his hand to his shoulder, and from his shoulders down to his spine; it felt weird, but a good kind of weird that made Ben curious to get to know the princess before him.

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