Min took his head in his hand and raised it a little, "You still have the arrogance to be rude to me?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "You don't even deserve my rudeness. Let me go, or you won't be able to walk back on your legs."

Min scoffed, "And who will do that to me? You? Fucking bitch. I am sure you have been whoring around to get a lot of contacts. But none of them will be able to do anything to me."

Namjoon shrugged, "I am well capable of doing something to you myself."

Min was about to say something when Namjoon's phone rang. Min groaned, "This fucker's phone has been ringing too much. Just break it."

One of the men came to him with the phone, "It looks like his client has been calling non-stop."

Min took the phone and smirked, "Jin hyung, huh? Should I give him a show? Will he still take you in after knowing what you have been doing?" He nodded at one of his men and soon there was a punch on Namjoon's face. Some more punches and kicks later, Min picked up the call and put it on speaker.

Namjoon-ah, where the fuck are you?

Min titled his head, "Well, your Namjoon-ah is getting ready to suck my dick." There was obnoxious laughter behind him. "I'll send him to you after I am satisfied. Till then, stop fucking calling."

Do not touch him or you won't be able to feel your own skin ever again.

"Oh my god." Min acted like he was afraid, "I am shivering." He laughed again, "I am sorry sir, we landed on your property. We will just do our work and pass it on to you."

Before seokjin could say anything, Min cut the call and broke the phone by throwing it on the wall. Everyone was shocked when Namjoon started laughing loudly. Min tilted his head, "I think he has finally lost it."

Namjoon stopped laughing and then looked into Min's eyes with a glare, "You just invited your doom yourself."

Min raised his eyebrows, "Oh, yeah? What is your little master gonna do? File a complaint against me? I know you don't work under JM anymore. And they won't be here to save you this time."

Namjoon laughed, "Ah. Now I get it. I was so confused about why you are messing with me after such a long time. You were waiting for me to get out of JM. Coward asshole!"

Min sprinted toward Namjoon and punched him in the face. "I will break that arrogance bit by bit and then finish your ego and existence."

Namjoon chuckled, "It is easy to talk and beat me up while I am tied up. Try opening my ropes and I'll show you what breaking the ego feels like."

Min's eyes sparkled and Namjoon knew he had nudged his ego. Min signalled one of his men and soon Namjoon's hands were free. He immediately stood from the chair and took a defending stance. One of the men stepped closer and tried to hit Namjoon, but he dodged and punched the man's side. He surely heard a rib breaking. Good, he won't get up now. The second man came from the side and Namjoon was able to hold his punch as well. He kicked the man and the man hit the wall behind him and fell to the ground. In all this confidence flowing in him, he had forgotten one important thing.

Kwang Min was a national Taekwondo champion.

The next attack came from Min himself. Namjoon was able to dodge the first one, but the second came at a high speed and Namjoon couldn't see the punch. He fell on his side hissing at the sensation. When he got up, another punch fell on Namjoon's cheek. He winced. "Ah, fuck. He is not going to like this."

Kwang Min held him with his collar, "What the fuck did you say? Speak loudly, you rat so that everyone can know what you are doing. Did you spread your legs for the professors too? Is that why you are getting a constant 4?"

Namjoon tried his hardest to get out of his hold, but Kwang Min was just too strong. He closed his eyes when he saw Min raising his fist again. When the hit didn't come, he peeked through his eyelashes and gasped. Min's fist had been stopped in the air. The person who stopped him was none other than Kim Seokjin. He looked around and the men were already on their backs or knees as Seokjin's bodyguards held them at gunpoint.

Seokjin looked at Namjoon and his jaw clenched. Soon, Namjoon was freed from the hold and a hard punch fell on Min's face. "You messed with the wrong person, kid."

Min chuckled, wiping the blood out of his face. He looked at Namjoon, "So you are fucking the bigger fish, huh? Fucking namchung!*" (*Male prostitute)

Seokjin lost it. He punched Min's face again, resulting in him falling down.

Namjoon gasped, "Hyung stop, please."

"What did you say?" Seokjin ignored Namjoon and sat on Min's chest, "I dare you? Repeat that word and you won't be able to get out of the hospital for months!"

Min smirked, "Namch-"

Before he could even finish the term, Seokjin punched him square into his jaw and another across the face, making him bleed more. Seokjin wasn't stopping, worrying Namjoon a bit. Namjoon held his hand when he was about to land another punch, "Hyung, stop, please! He will die. I can handle it on my own."

Seokjin got up from his place and went to Namjoon, scaring him. He wiped the blood out of Namjoon's forehead, "This is how you were handling things? Namjoon, I had warned you. Very few things/people in this world really belong to me and I am very possessive about them."

Namjoon's eyes went wide when saw Min standing up, coming to attack Seokjin, but before Namjoon could react, Seokjin stopped Min's punch and glared at him. In a second, Min was pressed to the wall with his back facing Seokjin and hand on his back, as Seokjin twisted it and held it tightly in his grip. His knee kept Min in his place. He tapped on Min's hand with two fingers and a vein popped out. He traced the vein and pinched it in the middle of the arm, making Min scream, "You work out a lot, huh? Do you know, if I rip this vein out, you will bleed to death in a few hours? Two hours max and you'd be dead and no one will care, you know why? Because no one will find your body. Ever."

Min shivered in fear, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please don't kill me! I want to live." He was crying and if this continued, he would probably piss his pants.

Seokjin pressed him harder on the wall, "Listen up, you punk ass bitch. If I hear that you have been harassing Namjoon again or even talking about what happened here to anyone, I will make sure that what I just told you, you see in practice. So..." He leaned further, pressing Min more into the wall, "Keep quiet."

As soon as Seokjin left Min, he ran, almost. His legs gave up in the middle and he dropped down. But Seokjin's fear was more dangerous than worrying about his legs, so he stood up and ran away. Seokjin turned to one of his head guard, "Dohwan." A man in all black came to Seokjin running. Namjoon had seen him many times with Seokjin, but today he found out that the man's name was Dohwan. The man was tall, lean but muscular, sharp eyes always hidden behind glasses, always wore the uniform and a wire was always attached to the speaker in his ears. "Clean this up. Find out more about Kwang Min." The man nodded and went away. Seokjin went to Namjoon and held his face between his forefinger and thumb, scanning it. He took Namjoon's hand without saying anything and started walking toward his car. Namjoon looked at his hand that was held by Seokjin and then at Seokjin as he was being dragged to the car. For a moment Namjoon thought Seokjin was scary. But he knew what he was getting into when he accepted Seokjin's love. He was just shocked to see it in real life.

When they were in the car, Seokjin looked into Namjoon's eyes, "Are you scared of me?"

Namjoon shook his head, "I am not scared of you. I am scared for you. That someday you will mess up with someone stronger than you and I'll end up losing you."

Seokjin chuckled, "You are forgetting who I am. I am Kim Seokjin. I know where I stand and people stronger than me are scared of me as well that someday, I will surpass them and they'll have to bow down to me. So don't worry. Hyung knows how and when to play."

The ride after that was silent. As soon as they reached the apartment, Dohwan opened the door for Seokjin and the driver opened it for Namjoon. Seokjin turned to Dohwan, "Report me at 11 in the morning."

"Yes, sir." Dohwan bowed and waited for Seokjin and Namjoon to enter the apartment before leaving.

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