◇Chapter 3: Goodbye Horrible Island ◇

Start from the beginning

Personally, I'd love to go to Auradon; obviously I wouldn't feel entirely comfortable if I ran into my step-brother, his wife, their child, Giselle, OR her child, but there are a lot of people in Auradon so I doubt I'd see them anytime soon, right?

"I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom says they're vicious, rabid pack animals, which eat boys who misbehave..." Carlos trailed off, fear evident on his face. Jay barked and laughed as Carlos jumped in surprise.

"Yeah, we're not going, Mom." Mal said.

"Oh, you're thinking small, pumpkin. It's all about world domination!" Exclaimed Maleficent.

"Maaaalll." She sang. We followed her into Bargain Castle, where (surprisingly) all our parents were at. I quickly went over to where my mother was seated (ever so gracefully, might I add) and sat myself down across from her.

I'm not going to lie, my mother was, well, the fairest of them all (don't tell Evie or the Evil Queen I said that), but it's true. My mother had beautiful, silky, black hair, cunning, calculated, elegant brown eyes, and smooth fair skin.

Every now and then she'll tell me how lucky I am to be the daughter of such a beautiful queen; I look just like her, the only slight differences is that my brown eyes have flecks of blue in them and my hair will sometimes look dark blue in the sunlight. These traits I most likely got from my father...whoever he is.

"Nevaeh." My mother's voice said as she nodded her head at me in acknowledgement.

"Mother." I nodded back to her.

"Have you been studying those spell books I gave you?" She asked.

"Yes mother, I have." She looked up at me from filing her nails, a nicely done brow raised.

"And those royal etiquette books as well?" She questioned.

"Yes, I know all of them by heart." She nodded in approval.

"Turn around and come here so I can brush your hair." She instructed. I did as I was told and tuned back into the conversations being held.

"Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow." E.Q. said. Evie self-consciously touched in between her eyebrows. She looked at me for confirmation, to which I gave her a shake of my head. She didn't have one, E.Q. was just being dramatic.

"And Nevaeh isn't going to that horrible place either. Hades knows that place will only turn her good and have her start doing goody magic." Mother hissed. I tuned them out once again and instead turned my attention to my nails.

'Maybe I should change them to black.' I thought.

"That good for nothing brat." I heard mom hiss and winced once I felt a sharp tug at my hair. I'm assuming Maleficent mentioned Giselle or her step-son, both of which make her mad.

It wasn't long before we all heard a honk from outside waiting for us. Mom released me from her grasp long enough for me to get my bags (which had 2-3 daggers, my design book, a few accessories, Nightshade powder, liquid cyanide and other things) before she returned to me with a book.

"I want you to find a high ranking man, marry him, kill him, and seize that power for yourself." Mom said while handing me the spellbook.

"So in other words, you want me to be like you?" I asked while giving her a pointed look

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"So in other words, you want me to be like you?" I asked while giving her a pointed look.

"Exactly! Oh, and make sure to keep practicing magic as well as to help Mal with the wand, heaven only knows that you have more practice and knowledge of magic than she does." She said, whispering the last part to me so Maleficent wouldn't hear. I gave a little chuckle because she wasn't wrong.

Even though we've been on this godforsaken island that renders magic unattainable, my mother has sought to teach me the ways of the Dark Arts, from knowing the ingredients to make a really powerful healing potion to practicing ancient runes and their powers. All things that Maleficent should've thought twice about to teach her daughter; Mal would be going to Auradon, a magical place, as a total amateur in magic.

I sighed softly before making my way outside. Outside, there was a sleek, black limo just waiting to get us out of this awful place and into Auradon. I went in after Evie, leaving Mal the last one to enter before the driver closed the door.

Once the door was closed and the vehicle started, I let myself relax, ignoring my mother's shouts of her wishes to "Bring home a throne!" I was finally going to get out of here and see new things. Who knows, I might even meet my real dad.

All I know is: Goodbye, Horrible Island.

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