Chapter 10: Hermit Dust in Action

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"I forgot something" the old man said. "[Oni Mask]" and the card appear between his left hand finger.

"This is only an accessory, doesn't have any effect but good to hide your identity" explain the old man.

Then, he crack the card with his finger and suddenly there is a mask equipped on my face. The old man, look at the shadow summon that he call before, now I can see what is crawling from the shadow before, the shadow actually look like the old man along with a demon-like mask on its face.

The old man point at the shadow summon "You distract the enemy" he said then, he point to the pixie "keep the enemy highlighted". Then the two creature, being, or whatever is that go following the Hermit Dust command. The shadow jump from the building and the pixie fly higher and head toward the 5 senses squad. As the old man look at the 5 sense squad, they seems have make a move as the zone will shrink once again to the last smallest zone in 90 second. The 5 sense squad still have two clone of the eye-symbol-helmet player in front of the squad holding the same weapon as before, 1 clone with the squad, and the other clone is nowhere visible. The old man look at Medusa that I use before, then put the Eliminator and Maken on the ground then grab the Medusa. He aim the squad and counting their numbers.

"One of the Sight [Alter Ego], it must be the real one, let's wait pixie got the position, the invisible bastard will be invisible no more! hahaha" The old man talk to himself. Or maybe talk to me who inside his mind.

Just a moment after that, all enemy seems having a yellow outline around their body highlighting their position, it including the invisible player that walk 2 meter behind the group. The old man aim at the head of the invisible player, he put his finger on the trigger and take a deep breath. But he suddenly move the crosshair toward the player on the group and take a shot. The player with eye symbol along with his/her clones seems glitching until suddenly 2 clone on the front disappear, the invisible player on the back re-appear and the player on the squad turn into a card.

"Got ya! Alter ego card can move you to one of the clone if the real one got killed, but the card will be left behind on the real one location." The old man explains.

Everyone on the squad seems alerted and regroup with the player on their back. The old man look at the medusa and said "Discard", the medusa return to card form and he put it back into the deck. He grab Eliminator along with the Maken and hold it as he hold it before. Then, he jump from the building. The 5 sense squad is getting close to the intersection from the north, while the old man move to the east of the intersection. Suddenly, the 5 sense squad, start running toward an alley on the west of their position, they seems chasing the shadow summon. gun shot and bomb blast can be heard from the old man position.

"[Doppelganger]" the old man calling the card that I most curious about and he crush it as it appear on his left hand.

Then, he run toward the west from the intersection, seeing the open space toward the north after passing the building on the intersection. The 5 sense is trying to kill the shadow summon, but everything goes through. The old man look behind him, and I just realize there are around 20 more clone of myself. The old man once again show me some trick.

"20 [common handgun]" the old man said as 20 stack of common handgun cards appear on his his hand. He scatter the cards into the air, all the clone try to catch it, some of them catch it just fine and some other just miss then grab the card from the ground. And they almost altogether crush the the card at the same time.

"Attack them!" The old man command all the clone as he run toward the Alter Ego card on the north of the intersection.

The gun fight is getting more intense. as the old man runs, he looks toward the 5 sense that actually highlighted through the wall this whole time. When he reaches the approximate position of the card, he slows down as he try to find the card. When he sees the card, he runs and  grab it while running then head toward the alley that the 5 sense squad go through before. He crush the Alter Ego Card and make 3 other clone of him who is holding the exact same weapon as him, The Eliminator and Maken. The old man slow down as the other clone storm the 5 sense.

The 5 sense member that closest from the alley is someone with wifi symbol and headphone attached to his/her helmet. One of the old man clone easily stab the closest player with Maken then the player burn like crazy turning him into ashes. The other player with teeth symbol and slightly different helmet notice, he seems raged by the death of his friend and charge toward the clone. The helmet of this player seems have a mouth module with a very sharp teeth. Then, one of the clone got bitten and torn apart by this teeth-symbol player. But, the clone just simple disappear leaving nothing. Meanwhile, the other clone, already aim the Eliminator toward this teeth-symbol player and shot him/her. The bullet of this gun is almost invisible and when it hit a black hole open crushing the enemy into a ball and separate the deck from the body.

The old man calmly wait on the alley pointing his gun and sword toward the crowd. He seems ready to strike anytime someone get into the alley. As he observe toward the 5 sense squad, two member is fighting with the 20 clone he made before, they seems reduce the number of the clone quite a lot, leaving 8 clone that still trying to fight these 2 members. Meanwhile the other one on the back is the player with wind blow symbol. One of the old man Alter Ego clone try to stab this player, but the clone disappear before it get too close. The player with wind blow symbol seems chuckling. However, the last clone, shot the wind-blow player with Eliminator and kill him/her. 

"We ambushed!" said Sight, the player with eye symbol.

The player with hand symbol, look toward the massacare of their squad member.

"Shit! why am I too stupid!?! He is the Hermit, the Ex-Jack. I am forfeiting!" said the player with hand symbol and he press Yes when the confirmation pop up.

Sight seems panic and said "I am forfeiting" then press Yes as well.

Both players disappear and leaving "FORFEIT" text. As they disappear, fireworks shoot into the sky. In the sky there is a text saying "YOU ARE THE WINNER".

"Discard" said the old man then [pixie], [shadow summon], [alter ego], [eliminator], and [maken] return to card form and fly to the old man hand. 

"You know, you can discard any card you have use with your mind selecting the card. You don't have to touch it, look at it, or even point your finger toward the activated card." The old man once again teach me a trick.

The old man calmly put the card back into the deck. The environment change into a white empty space. Everything is cleaned out including the death player deck. It actually piss me off because I cannot loot the deck. Then, a chest arise from the ground.

"I am too bored to this chest opening. I let you open the chest." said the old man as I regain control of my body.

I approach the chest and open it. It glow so bright, a purple card come from the chest.




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