"As for the brown-eyed lover boy, he might find someone else to marry and will even forget you existed!"

'Tristan!' Alice thought. 'She is talking about Tristan.'

Would Tristan truly leave her? Would her ghost friends pass on? Alice could almost see it all happening. What was she going to do all alone?

"You would be all alone for the rest of your life!" Cora said. "It is just a matter of time."

Cora's last words filled the hole, sealing Alice in forever. It was not just a matter of time. Everything was already gone.

Mike and Maria were now together, Alice knew. You did not just look at each other so intensely if there was nothing going on. Besides, their actions towards each other had voiced the fact.

Charlie had found Mendaline, which meant perhaps even his wish was fulfilled. Would they now leave her too?

Tristan had found someone. Alice could tell by the way he had walked into his room with his big smile. Alice had meant to ask him who it was as soon as Luna left, but things had not quite gone as she had planned. Either way, what if Cora was right and Tristan would forget about Alice's existence?

As for Knave, Alice had lost him since the time his mother had requested her to leave him. The pain of losing him returned with much more power than before. So much so, that Alice went down on her knees. Tears started falling from her eyes.

Alice had been running away from reality. She was not ready to face the fact that Knave was gone. She had diverted her mind by going to Tristan's house. She did not want to accept that she would no longer be able to talk to Knave, she would no longer be able to hold him, to be with him.

"Alice?" Cora gently called out. "I am the only one who is there for you!" She said. She got up, closing her eyes in pain. She stood clutching her chest for a moment, before opening her eyes and walking up to her daughter.

Cora tried to reach down towards her, but Alice stood up and backed away. Cora pursed her lips. "Still denying the truth?" She asked.

Alice looked at her mother, teary-eyed. "What do you want from me?" She cried out.

Cora finally removed her hand from her chest, revealing the material of the her black cloak, which was now damp with blood. 

Cora looked at her. "I want a hug for now." She replied.

Alice stood still as Cora came closer. This time, Alice did not back away. She stood with her hands at her sides, as her mother wrapped her arms around her.

"We could stay together just like old times!" Her mother whispered. Something wet touched Alice's chest. She realized it was her mother's blood. 

Cora broke the hug and looked at her daughter. "But this time, I would be with you forever!" She said.

Alice raised her chin. "I cannot live with a woman who kills her own children mercilessly!" She said.

Cora smiled. "If you come with me, I will promise to not hurt anyone anymore!"

Alice was taken aback. "You would do that for me?" She asked in disbelief.

Cora nodded. "I am tired of living alone and doing all the things I do for survival. With you, I can change! I would not need to do any more harm. We could combine our powers and live together forever!" She looked down at her wound. "However, I am afraid I cannot do much with this nasty thing!" She looked at Alice.

Alice looked back at her mother, who was gazing at her lovingly. Luna's words suddenly came back to her. 'I feel that somewhere deep down where Cora's heart is, if she has one that is, she cares for you!'

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