Ana stepped forward, holding out the dress he had gave her. "You gifted me this dress a while back," she began before pausing as the kid joined the man again. They were staring up at her with wide eyes, intrigue and awe present on their face.

"Oh dear, I apologize," Ana refocused on the man at his words.

"You apologize?" She could hardly understand why he felt the need to apologize for a gift. 

"It wasn't my place to give you anything," he shook his head, seemingly at himself. "If it is not up to your standards then I will graciously take it back." He brushed his hand over his forehead, presumably wiping off perspiration. "To think you came all the way here," he trailed off. 

"Oh no, that is not at all why I'm here," Ana shook her head. She felt absolutely terrible for causing such a nice man so much distress just by her mere presence. "I decided to visit for the opposite reason; I truly love the design you gave me." She explained gently with a small smile.

"You do," the store owner questioned uncertainly. 

"In fact, I was wondering if I might be able to buy any similar pieces." Ana raised her eyebrow imploringly as she awaited his reply.

"Grandpa," she suddenly heard a small voice whisper and looked back down to the child beside him. "Is she the princess? She's really pretty." Said princess practically melted at the words. 

"Hello there," Ana leaned down slightly in order to better see their face. "What's your name?"

"Alex," they giggled. She grinned at Alex, admiring their small features as they hid slightly behind the shop owner.

"Your grandfather is wonderful at making clothes, did you know that?" 

They giggled again, nodding frantically before moving slightly forward to show Ana their clothing. "I know," Alex nodded their head enthusiastically. "He made my dress!"

"Really?" She gasped, as though in shock although she wasn't surprised at all. "Well, would you like to help me find some dresses to wear? My closet doesn't have clothes nearly as pretty as the ones here."

"Alex," the man suddenly said. "Don't bother the princess, okay?"

"They aren't being a bother at all," Ana interrupted. "I need new clothes and they seem to have a great sense of style. I would greatly appreciate the help."

"You wouldn't mind her following you around while you browse?" He sounded as skeptical as he did earlier.

"Of course not," Ana smiled down at Alex, "She seems like wonderful company." She stood back to her full height, "But - before we start exploring - what's your name sir?"

"Thomas, your Majesty."

"It's lovely to make your acquaintance, Thomas. If you don't mind me asking, who might your store be named after then?" She was sure the store was named after the owner, but it obviously wasn't so if his name was Thomas. 

"My late wife. She was originally the one who founded the store; I changed the name after she passed." While the memory seemed sad he still wore a fond smile on his face. Ana wondered what it would feel like to so clearly be in love with someone even after their death.

"I'm sorry for you loss," she offered with a sympathetic smile. 

"Thank you," Thomas looked back down at Alex. "Go on, you can help her find the prettiest outfits," he pushed her gently in Ana's direction. 

"Come," she held out her hand and waited till the little girl took it before moving in the direction of a random clothing rack. 


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