ɪᴠ. excellency

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"You there."

"M- me?"

"I looked at you, did I not?"

"Y- yes Almighty Shogun. My apologies. What is it that you require of me?"

The man bowed deeply at the Shogun's feet, and the others used this as their chance to escape her piercing gaze.

"Enlighten me. Have you made any progress on my order? How has Inazuma responded?"

"U- uhm.. The Tenryou Commission announced the lockdown of Tenshukaku to the public this morning. They seem confused, but there hasn't been any outright objection... At least I think."

Her cold eyes narrowed dangerously, and the servant realised his mistake.

"What do you mean, I think?"

He gulped, shifting nervously as he quickly tried to save the situation.

"W- well, because of the command in question, I haven't been out there myself.. This is simply what I've been informed of. T- there's obviously going to be rumours floating around with your sudden withdrawl. People are already speculating that you've fallen ill, and the most bizarre of ideas could possibly lead to future retaliation. Y- you know how these things are, we can never truly predict an outcome..!"

"..Very well. It seems things are turning out as I had expected. To some extent, this is indeed comforting.. You may leave."

The servant sighed in relief, and was about to make his exit when she added an afterthought. Cursing his luck, he turned back around to face her.

"I wish to speak with her."

"With... Wh-" His eyes widened halfway through his statement. "B- but Almighty Shogun! If you do so, there is a huge risk of your identity being revealed!"

"Hm. There's no need for concern. Simply have her come upstairs when she's ready. I'll be waiting."

"A- are you sure-"

"Don't make me ask twice." She warned, turning so that her back was facing the man.

"O- okay, in that case, what do I tell her?"

"That's for you to decide. However, I've wasted enough time as it is. If you'll excuse me, I must prepare myself for her arrival."

She left the room, leaving the servant alone. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before he too started down the hall, heading for Y/n's chamber.

After knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds for the soldier to answer. She seemed to look him up and down a few times, her eyebrows raised in question.

Which was understandable, as he had never spoken to her prior to that moment in time.

Before she could open her mouth to speak, the man quickly interrupted.

"Her Eternal Excellency wishes to speak with you."

He watched as her eyes widened, then filled with determination. The soldier nodded in affirmation before stepping out of her room, shutting the door behind her.

In Y/n's mind, there was a lot to process.

She had been curious of this mysterious character for quite some time now, and she couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous.

This person was clearly of great importance, and was finally taking an interest in her. To Y/n, this had been inevitable, as a soldier with no memories suddenly appearing under your roof is no ordinary occurrence.

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