xxᴠɪɪɪ. feelings

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"Good morning, Y/n~" the Archon called, humming to herself as she entered the kitchen. The soldier stopped what she was doing and turned to face her, blinking at the unusual bounce in her step.

"Uhm... good morning, Ei? You seem... different. Did something happen?"

"No," she paused, "not entirely. Hm. You could say that I slept well."

"Oh? In that case, I'm glad. What time did you return last night? I assume it was quite late... Would you care for breakfast?"

"Ah, yes. I sincerely apologise for causing you distress in my absence; I can assure you that I was completely safe. I simply went to visit Miko, and I myself aren't sure of how late it was upon my return."

Before the soldier could form a response, Ei gently took her hand and lifted it directly to her lips. She pressed an angelic kiss against Y/n's warm skin. An apology.

"Speaking of Miko, there was a matter at the shrine that I left unfinished last night. I'm sorry, Y/n, but I really should get going. It's a shame that you had to waste all of this food on me..."

When she was finally able to function, the soldier quickly shook her head in understanding. "Not to worry, Ei. It was no trouble at all, really. Make sure you eat something while you're there though. Have fun... I'll be here waiting for you."

She nodded, her previous mood returning. "Thank you, Y/n. You're too kind."

By the time that Ei arrived at the shrine, Yae was once again sitting at a table and drinking a cup of tea. The Archon couldn't help but notice the contrast in atmosphere from the previous night, where there was an almost sacred silence hanging in the air.

This time, the whole place buzzed with noise. Hisa continued her work, sighing in frustration every time a tourist dropped another item of litter. The shrine maidens all seemed to be hard at work too.

It was an inspiring, diligent and dedicated environment.

Ei smirked.

The only person that didn't seem to be working very hard was the Guuji herself.

As the Archon slid into the empty seat opposite her, Yae smiled.

"Oh, Ei! Right on schedule~ Would you care for some tea?"

She nodded; Yae poured her a cup. They lapsed into silence as she did so, before the kitsune spoke again.

"You're radiating~"

The Archon smiled. "Is this how it feels... to be free from burden?"

The fox envoy's knowing smirk returned as she examined Ei's expression under her gaze. "You've made a decision." It wasn't a question, but a statement. "Enlighten me."

She flushed, averting her eyes and lowering her tone. "I... do indeed have feelings for Y/n."

Yae pouted. "Awh, so you won't say the four letter word just yet~"



Ei's face turned crimson. "N- not aloud! Wait! I- I didn't admit to anything! You-"

The kitsune looked delightedly at her friend's discomforted appearance. She was shifting uneasily, her eyes rich with emotion and hair wrapped around her finger. As if her words hadn't betrayed her enough already... "Hm, I'm only teasing~ no need for concern. I won't tell~"

Yae Miko once again raised her teacup to softly parted lips, allowing her gaze to wander the shrine. They had lapsed into comfortable silence, an indication of their established friendship. The kitsune soon sat up in alert, however, having recognised a familiar figure.

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