ɪɪɪ. tenshukaku

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When Y/n woke up, she found that she was lying in a small room in Tenshukaku.

Funny thing was - she didn't even remember falling asleep.

Simply brushing it off, the soldier tried to sit up, only to groan and fall back down whilst holding her abdomen.

Huh. Who would've thought that being stabbed had such an impact.

She sighed, closing her eyes and letting herself relish in the comfort of her pillow. Her head still throbbed, but as Y/n was pleased to find, less than during the night before.

Just as she was about to fall asleep again, a bright light flooded the room through her window.

It fell upon her features, and her eyebrows twitched in discomfort.

It seemed sleep was no longer an option.

Forcing herself out of the warm bed and into the cold surroundings of the room,
Y/n got dressed and decided to explore.

The soldier first leaned out of the doorway, peeking left and right to see if anyone would stop her. Realising that there seemed to be no one around, she assumed that she was free to leave.

In all honesty, she had absolutely no idea what she was doing.

Y/n wandered the halls, her eyes sparkling at all the marvellous new sights. She was stunned by the vastness of the building, and despite not being able to remember much was certain that she had never seen anything like it.

The servants that she passed along the way all whispered to each other, and it made her a little bit flustered.

She awkwardly waved at one or two, and they immediately reacted with a gasp before dashing away and leaving her confused.

Many long hours later, Y/n finally seemed to realise that she had gotten herself lost.

"Excuse me?" She called to the group of maids that she had previously waved to.

The pair seemed to have decided to follow her, and picked up a third friend along the way. The original duo dashed around the corner again at the sound of her voice.

"You know, if you're trying to tail me, you're not being very subtle.."

The third maid, one with pinkish brown hair, sighed.

"I know, it isn't proper for us maids to gossip like this.. I must apologise."

She bowed, clutching the rim of her skirt.

"My name is Ayame. As a newfound resident of this establishment, it is our duty to serve you, Miss..."

The maid trailed off, not knowing the soldier's name.

"Y/n." She smiled. "It's Y/n."

"..Thank you, Miss Y/n. Feel free to call for any of us if you ever find yourself in need of assistance." She stood up again, facing Y/n with a smile. "..But for now, how may I help?"

Our protagonist smiled awkwardly, twirling her hair. It was a nervous habit of hers.

"...I'm kind of lost."

Clearly, that wasn't the answer that Ayame had been expecting.

"I- you-" She shook herself out of her stupor, clearing her throat.

"Well, do you have a destination in mind?"

"...Not particularly?"

She thought for a moment.

"It's quite early... Are you hungry, Miss

"Hm.. Yes, now that you mention it, I could go for some breakfast."

saudade; raiden eiWhere stories live. Discover now