x. makoto

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"-Miss Y/n!"

She was pulled out of her thoughts by Ayame, the maid gaining her full attention as she removed her chin from her hand.


"I've been allowed to go out and buy some items.. Is there anything you require...?"

"To go with you.." She sarcastically mumbled, and Ayame simply laughed.

"You're well aware that's not possible.. Don't worry, Miss Y/n. I'm sure that you'll be exploring the whole of Inazuma before you even know it."

"Thank you Ayame..."

"...So, anything at all?"

A storage room that Y/n stumbled upon a while ago suddenly flashed through her mind.

"Fairy lights." Was her nonchalant response.


"You asked."

Ayame sighed, realising that she was in no position to question Y/n's choices.

"As you wish, Miss Y/n."

A few hours later, Ayame returned with the shopping. Before she could even remove her shoes, Y/n snatched the bags away from her and began filtering through them until she found what she had asked for.

"H- hey! Miss Y/n, wait!"

"Thank you Ayame!" She called to the hazel-eyed maid as she made her escape.

Running through the halls, Y/n eventually came across a door. She shut it behind her as she entered, beginning to descend down the staircase.

Inside was a lonely little room, filled with stacks upon stacks of boxes. She continued to walk past all of this, squeezing between the piles until she reached a small, open space.

To the side was a single arched window, nowhere near as large as the ones surrounding the rest of the building. It was still of a comfortable size however, matching perfectly with the cosiness of the surrounding boxes.

Moving one to the side, Y/n plugged in her fairy lights. The room immediately became illuminated by these small, twinkling lamps, with no previous light source. She began to tie them across the stacks, and soon they were secured firmly overhead.

Opening one of the boxes, she grabbed a soft-looking blanket along with a few pillows. She had discovered all of this earlier, and decided to put it to good use. She placed them beneath the window, and after a few additional touches it was complete.

The perfect thinking space.

Y/n stared at her work in pride, before taking a seat. She hummed an unfamiliar tune, pulling out a book. Here she would remain for the next few hours, uninterrupted.

She yawned.

Little did she know, there was a long road ahead of her..

Before she knew it, Y/n's eyes were snapping open to a deafening silence.

The first thing she noticed was that the world beyond the window was now shrouded in darkness, and it appeared that she had dozed off.

The soldier sat up, leaning down to pick up her discarded book as she did so. However, it was then that something else caught her gaze.

From the corner of her eye, Y/n spotted a purple piece of fabric poking out of the edge of a box. If she hadn't leaned down and the light wasn't causing it to glow, she doubted she would've even spotted it.

Her curiosity got the better of her, and the soldier pulled the box from its place. Despite it sitting at the bottom of the stack, it wasn't coated in dust like the others. She found this peculiar, as surely it would've been left unopened for the longest period of time.

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