Chapter 6 ~good luck charms

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Finnick and I yet again tie after the stair race. I change into a new training outfit.

When I see my knee I cringe a little. It still doesn't look great but much better than before.

I go down the the breakfast table everyone is there already minus Owen. I don't care enough to ask where he is.

"Daphne here is AMAZING at knives.", Finnick says. I blush at his words. I see him smiling in the corner of my eye. "Is that so?", Jezebel smiles at us. I take a drink of my orange juice to hide my smile. "She's good with a trident too. Taught her my combat skills. She's really strong. Fast too she tied with me on the elevator stair race twice." "Your words are very flattering Finn.", I laugh.

"What should I look for in allies?", I ask. "Definitely not one and two or even your own district in this case. Someone polite would be a good bet. Usually if they're polite they're easier to be trusted." I nod.

"I should get going." "Wait.", Finnick says. I follow him to my room. He hugs me tightly. "You brought me here for a hug? Finn if you wanted to hug me you could've hugged me in there it's not weird or anything."

He laughs, "No that's not exactly why I brought you here.", he pulls out a necklace with a shark tooth on it. "Every district has its own token. I was wondering if you wanted to wear ours. I've had it since my games. Mags had it until she gave it to me. It's like our good luck charm." I smile at him and turn around for him to put in on me.

"How'd you all get the shark tooth past everyone?" "Took a lot of convincing but Mags assured them that it wouldn't be used as a weapon back then, and where it was hers and was approved it'll have to be approved now." "Why didn't you give it to other tributes so they could win?" "Have you ever heard the saying 'luck will run out'?" I nod. "Mags said it's only supposed to be given to people that truly fit in with us. Someone we need to win. If we gave it to everyone the luck will run out and it'll be a useless charm."

"You really want me to win?" He smiles, "Of course. I've said this to you from the beginning. It's why I've taken extra time to train you, and it's also why I'm giving you this charm. I'm gonna do everything I can to get you out of that arena." I smile. It takes everything in me to not kiss him. Instead I jump into his arms to hug him again.

"Do good today okay? I'll be here after and we can spend the rest of the evening together." He likes spending time with me. "See you Finn.", I wave and run to the elevator and stairs.

I take the stairs just like I did this morning. I'm a little more careful this time so I don't injure myself again.

When I enter the training room I finally get my first look at all the tributes. I spot Owen already trying to build an alliance with the careers.

What's funny is that they don't seem interested in him.

I see a little girl from district 8 with a little boy from 11 they look the same age. They're fiddling with fishhooks. I decide to walk over and help them. "Hi.", I say to them. They both look at me with fear lingering in their faces.

"I'm Daphne. You need some help? My brother owns a fishing company I can teach you how to make one." They don't say anything just look at me and nod. I see them watching my fingers fiddle with the hook. The concentration on their faces is so cute. "Wanna try?" The little girl nods and moves up a little to try and make her own hook. "That's really good.", I smile. "Allies with children? You're dumber than you look Elsher.", Owens voice says. The two kids flinch and step back closer to one another.

"Leave us alone. Go spend time with your little careers you make it look like you actually care about me.", I laugh. He rolls his eyes and walks away.

"I'm sorry. My district partner is a jerk." "It's okay.", the little girl says. Her hair is light brown and a little messy. Her eyes are green and she has freckles on her nose. The little boy is dark complected with a short haircut. His eyes are a dark brown whenever he looks up. I smile at the both of them.

"I'm Sylvie.", she says, "This is Dariel." I wave at the little boy who continues to look down. "I know what you're thinking. Why would I be nice to you guys or even want you as allies. Well, my answer to that being you guys looks very trustworthy and that's what's the most important thing about an ally. Not how skilled they are or strong they are." "You want to be allies?", Sylvie asks. I nod. "As long as you guys are okay with it." They both nod.

"Do you know how to use any weapons?", Dariel asks. I nod, "I'm good with a trident and knives." "Are you gonna try to get any at the cornucopia?" "Maybe, it depends on who I'm near and if I'm able to see either."

"I like your necklace.", Sylvie says. "Thank you, it's my mentors Finnick." "Is that your boyfriend?" I laugh at the question. "No, he's not my boyfriend."

"How do you throw a knife?", Sylvie asks. I glance over at the weapons station to see all the careers and Owen have already left. "Come on, I'll show you."

The three of us walk over and I hand Sylvie a knife. "You wanna try Dariel?", he shakes his head no. "Okay, so it's all about your wrist. Hold it with these three fingers then flick your wrist at whatever you're aiming at." She does and it hits the target just a little bellow the bullseye.

I hand her another one it hits just above the bullseye this time. "One more time okay?", I hand her another one and she hits the bullseye spot on.

"I can teach you how to climb tomorrow.", Dariel says. I smile at him. "Of course."

If only } finnick odairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon