Chapter 12 ~ enough

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TW sexual assault mentioned at the end

Daylight starts to shine in the cave.

I hear foot steps up ahead. I take a knife out of my belt and hold it tight leaning up against the wall of the cave.

Sylvie and Dariel still sleep. I move them away from my side in case of a sudden tribute like this one.

I look out slightly to see the girl from 12 wandering around.

Without any further hesitation I throw a knife her way. It sticks into her lungs causing her to collapse on the ground followed by the sound of a cannon.

Three kills. I don't know what to feel about them. Guilty for killing innocent children but proud I'm staying alive and getting the games over faster.

I wake up Sylvie to let her know I'm going hunting and I'll be back. She's too exhausted to even give it a second thought she nods and instantly falls back into her sleep.

I grab my weapons leaving one belt and my trident in case they have to defend themselves and go on the hunt for food.

I'd take the trident but it's too big to just be hunting locally. Not to mention I could run into trouble and need to escape.

There's 8 tributes dead. No more deaths during the night. That means there's 16 of us left.

I look around for anything I can find. Nothing.

I see a squirrel run up a tree. I throw a knife at it. That's one thing I guess. I continue to look around for anything when I hear laughter. Careers.

I climb up the same three the squirrel started climbing before I ended it's life.

I watch them walk forward. I see Owen with them This is my chance to kill them.

I realize I left my knife at the bottom of the tree. I only hope they don't see it.

I take four knives out of my belt and throw them at the careers only killing too of them and winging the boy from two in the arm and missing Owen entirely.

Shoot. I curse myself as I scoot closer to the tree only hoping its big enough to hide me.

Owen and Camden look around to see who just killed their allies. I hold my breath and glance down at them.

They run off the other way a sigh of relief leaves me.

I climb down from the tree and retrieve my knives then walk back to the cave. 14 left now.

I've killed five already. The thing that bothers me the most is I don't know if I feel guilty or not.

I reach the cave and crawl back in. Dariel and Sylvie lower their weapons.

"Just me.", I say. "We heard the cannons.", Sylvie says. "I killed two careers. And a squirrel we can go out hunting again later but I think our safest option is to stay hidden I missed two of their pack and now they're on the hunt for me."

"We can go.", Sylvie suggest. "Yeah we're fast.", Dariel agrees.

"The squirrel and nuts will last us until then." They nod.

"I'm gonna go make a fire though. You guys stay here. I wanna do it a little bit away so I can put the fire out and have it away from here." They nod, "okay."

I may be babying them a little but it's easier to go off on my own and get things done rather than them on my tail and have to protect 3 people.

I walk down with the squirrel in my coat pocket and begin to start a fire.

I look around looking out for any tribute or threat.

The fire warms my face. I miss the weather of district 4. Luckily I'll never have to see the snow again.

I'm snapped back into my reality when a sudden force tackles me to the ground. When I open my eyes I see Owen overtop of me holding a knife to my neck.

"Where's your little careers huh?", I ask trying not to show him any fear. He laughs, "As if you didn't know."

I roll my eyes. "I have the ability to kill you just like that you know." "Then why don't you?" He smiles, "You're too gorgeous."

He holds his knife still my throat and glides his fingers down my face to my ribs.

I hold my breath. What's he doing to me? He puts his face close to mine and kisses me. I don't kiss back.

He throws his knife over and continues to hold me in this position. He rubs his thumb on my lips. I take this as an opportunity, and bite him.

He winces in pain jumping back giving me time to kick him off of me.

He tackles me again my hand falling on the rocks around the fire I built instantly burning me.

He scratches my neck when I kick him in the groin. I'm on top of him now holding his arms behind his back. I take a knife out of my belt and hold it at his throat and slit it.

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