Chapter 2 ~goodbyes

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I get a visit from my sister and brother. My sister is still crying my brother looks pale. "I should've volunteered. Daph I'm so sorry.", she cries hugging me. My brother hugs me. "You're clever sis. Listen to your mentors okay? If you listen you'll pick up skills great.", my brother says hugging me next. "I will.", I say. "Make us proud. Make mom and dad proud.", he says. I nod. Peacekeepers drag them out of the room another one grabs my arm and leads me to the train. Owen walks in shortly after me fixing his hair winking back at the crowd. The train doors close. "Daphne is it?", he asks. I nod. "We buy your brothers fish." "So you do." "Your sister is a town catch. We're similar in ways." "You and me?" "No your sister and I of course. We're both a town catch you know." "Is that so?" He rolls his eyes. He's desperate for me to be jealous of him. Honestly? I find him completely obnoxious.

"So you two are the tributes this year huh?", a recognizable voice says. I turn to see Finnick walking through the doorway. "Lovely to see you again Daphne only not under the right circumstances.", his voice sounds saddened. He doesn't even know me well enough to be sad about my soon death. "Hey Odair!", Owen exclaims as if he's known Finnick for years. "It's Finnick to you kid. What's your name anyway?", he asks. I have to put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing. Owen looks genuinely offended by the fact Finnick doesn't know his name. "Owen Viars? How could you possibly know this kids name and not mine?" "Owen Viars if I were you I wouldn't talk back to your mentor the only person who can help you stay alive." "I don't need a mentor to stay alive. I'm a career I know how to survive the Hunger Games." Finnick scoffs. "Well I guess that gives me more time to train Daphne here and maybe she'll even beat you." Owen rolls his eyes and goes down the train car hall into his room. Finnick's glare softens when the door closes.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you.", he says. He moves closer slightly but I pretend not to notice its not like our bodies are touching. "It's not like you could've prevented it. You don't have to apologize." "Well if it helps I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep you alive and make sure you're the one that leaves the arena alive." "Why?", the word accidentally slips out of my mouth. Finnick glances at my face for a second and smirks. "You're a good person." "You don't even know me." "I know enough about you to know what kind of a person you are." I feel my cheeks redden. The escort for our district walks in the room. "What's her name?", I whisper to Finnick. "Jezebel.", he whispers back. Hm. Fitting name for her.

"Where's the other one?", Jezebel asks. "He's in his room Finnick scared him off already.", I snark. "Look at you been on the train for 10 minutes and already fitting in with the crowd. I sense a victor.", Finnick nudges my arm. "She'd make a great fit. You two are too cute!", Jezebel says. Finnick and I's faces instantly blush as we look opposite ways from one another. I hear another laugh from the table. "Oh! Daphne this is Mags!" "It's nice to meet you Mags.", I say. She nods at me with a smile on her face. "Mags doesn't speak much. But she likes you.", Finnick whispers.

Owen walks out of his room taking a plate of food not speaking to anyone. "Still offended I don't know who you are?", Finnick asks in a cocky tone. "Finnick!", Jezebel scolds. "You don't offend me Odair.", he says. "That's still Finnick to you." Owen pins Finnick against the wall. "I can have you dead in a minute. Do you really want to test me?" Finnick punches Owen in the stomach causing him to jump back with the breath knocked out of him. "Don't try me Viars." My palms are sweating. My heart is racing. I don't just think Finnick Odair is cute. I'm in love with him.

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