|10| When a death was discovered

Start from the beginning

It was too late to find out for the kids, unconscious George there. The doctors declared him dead. He had a massive heart attack as a patient of coronary heart disease; he had blocks in his heart before. As the sudden attack occurred, there's a blockage in blood flow. If anyone was present with him at that time, maybe he could've saved by reaching the hospital earlier.

But Alas! Fate has already decided his end.


On 1967, At Albany -

Today is a happy day for George Dilton. He is finally marrying the love of his life. It wasn't love at first sight. It was the days of ups & downs which brought George & Melina close together. Melina is the girl who's put through everything in George's life. And of course, there couldn't be a better partner than him.

The day Melina has put her feet at his doorstep, he knows they're gonna last forever.

In 1970, they welcomed their first born & named him Luke, soon after his siblings came as well. Years passed by, though there were days of downs, but they didn't have any less happiness in their family.

As days passed, little Luke grew up & had his own family. Mayhaps in this family, Melina & George had no place but they're happy in their own home, Albany.

On a fine evening, at the hour of crimson-red, the sun is slowly fading away or more like it has to be present in another dawn - George is sitting on his armchair. It's his favourite time in the day. No chaos, no buzzing sound, only the birds are slowly taking place in their nest.

Melina has come & sat by her husband; on the chair. She can't help but ask, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, just thinking about our olden days Mel. Time has its own wings. It feels like yesterday when you came here to this house. Now it's the same hour; only our circumstances have changed," George murmured.

"Our children are living their happy life yet we are here alone, in this country side. How ironic it is!"

"Oh, George! Maybe that's how cruel fate is. It's alright as long we are together, isn't it enough?" Melina whispered.

"Of course, darling!"

Ever since that true bouncer, until like that evening; there's a call for Melina from the upwards. It's her time to go. George & Melina's journey ended there. It's the fall when nature was biding adiós; and our Melina. And George was spending his last days with her memories.

Y Melina siempre vivirá en su corazón.
(and Melina will always reside in his heart)


Present day at the graveyard -

With no traces of George's children, Andrew Hiders tried his best to call upon them to inform them about their father's condition. But his efforts go in vain as there's no clue of them on the other line.

Thus, they decided to bury him by themselves. Thou' Children aren't allowed here but still Parker was being persistent here to come by. As he found him lying unconsciously on the floor - maybe he wanted to see George for the last time.

Andrew couldn't say no to him, as a result little Parker is here with his father today. As like nature got the hint of George's demise as well. There is no shiny sun anymore. The dreadlock clouds have filled in; and the little droplets of water are falling down.

They were in a hurry, so the umbrella was the least concern for them. As like they've assembled here to bid George for the last time, and the grey clouds have gathered as well.

Black is the motion of no colours, maybe that's why people wear black in the funeral; Parker thought. There are hundreds of thoughts in mind. But he couldn't ask his father, as they were busy burying him.

After a while, they all said something about him; how he was a good man & gentleman. The whole neighbourhood would be empty without him. There's a tear in the left corner of Andrew too.

It's started to drizzle now, the little droplets of water are falling down on their face. It's the tears or the downfall of nature. Maybe both. As they were walking away from there, Parker finally asked Andrew, "Dad, would it be the same for us too, Like Uncle George?"

Andrew was baffled with his question. After noticing the confusing expression, Parker further explained, "I mean, I know we are gonna leave the world one day. It's the rule of nature. Wouldn't there be anyone with us in our last moments?"

Andrew has no answers for it. Only time can tell, if there wouldn't be anyone with us. But certainly Parker's question has awakened a hidden feeling of him.

He thought about his father today. Few hours ago, when there's no hint of George's children; he felt angry with them. How can they leave their parents alone like that? But now - when he thinks deeply, he realises one thing, he is no different from them.

He left his father too and he couldn't be there in his last moments. It's true when we, children grew up - we often left many things behind with our childhood. And our parents are one of them.

Work, and our own family consumed our time so roughly that we forget that there's someone waiting for us. Andrew couldn't be there for his father but he makes a mental note to call his mother today. He isn't gonna repeat his mistakes.

As for now, he just raffles Parker's hair & smiles at him. "No, dear. Even though our loved ones leave us, remember they always leave something for us to remember them," Andrew said to his son.

As the father - son duo is slowly walking away, the pitter patter sound is buzzing around & George is finally sleeping beside his beloved wife.

The rain is washing away the unknown liveliness, but George & Melina are finally at peace in the midst of drizzling.

El verdadero amor siempre encuentra la manera de estar juntos.


Any thoughts? :))

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