Maybe.....This Is Wishful Thinking?

Start from the beginning

Shit. Now, I feel kind of dumb for forgetting that I called her. Didn't I also say the talk was about us breaking up? Damn It. "We could do that later" I reply.

"No." Uhm....what? "We're going to talk about it now. I mean, not right now in this room but somewhere else." She says, with sudden sparks enlightening in her tone.

I'm still left confused with why she don't want us to stay first. "Okay? We can do that afterwards." I answer.

"Still no." Bre says while she sits next to me in bed.

She just continues to smile at me like a damn idiot and gleams all excitedly.

I don't really know how to feel, but I guess, if that's what it takes for me to get this over with, then I'll totally take it.

But then again, who am I kidding? This is fucking Bre. And I'm pretty sure I know what's coming, but I'm still hoping, it's not what I think it is.

"I booked us two tickets at the...... newly opened arcade in the city" She shrieks.

My eyes instantly widens from her words. Fuck my life.


Remember when they say that arcades are supposed to make you feel happy and help you forget about your problems?

Well, I call bullshit on that. Because right now, I'm nowhere near delighted and my problems have just become more unbearable. Especially not when I'm digging my hands into the controls of this fucking claw machine. God. If I have a mallet, I would break this glass right now.

Bre sulking near my side is definitely not making my mood any better. Why does she even want the goddamn bear so badly?

"Fuck it" I say, finally giving up on the game, before I lose my temper.
"What? No." She exclaims, but I'm already walking away from her and the machine.

Following in my steps, Bre runs in front of me and gives me a pouty look. "Why did you stop?" She groans. "You almost got it. Just a few more and you'll get the bear"

"We've been there for 20 fucking minutes, and you expect me to continue? That shit is literally impossible!" I answer back.

She just gives me a knowing smirk, which instantly annoys me and says, "You know, we won't leave the park unless you get me that bear, right? So, come on now, let's get back."

She grabs my sweater and starts pulling me towards the claw machine.

I'm not really in the feel of trying again. So I grab her hand and yank it away from my sweater. Even though I didn't put much force into my action, she evidently glares at me with an obvious fury in her brown eyes.

"Honestly, Hogan, what is up with you?" She ask, with clear annoyance in her tone. "You're being a fucking child right now. You know that right?"

Maybe I am. But at the moment, I really can't think of anything else other than irritation in my mind.  "You're literally moping over a toy and I'm the childish one?" I reply back.

"Oh for fuck's sake, Hogan! That's what boyfriends do!" Wow. I didn't know that. "Why can't you just act like one, and get me the bear!" She adds.

I'm still confused about her obsession with that fucking bear. But right now, I'm not really in the mood for an argument. Especially since we're literally in the middle of the park.

"Look Bre.....I just wanted us to have a normal talk, and yet you brought me here. I don't even know how to say this. I just think we should-"

"Oh my god, you're breaking up with me!" She shouts.

Now I'm turning red because people are already staring at us because of how loudly she announced that.

I try to continue with my words, but then, Bre starts breaking down on the ground as I try to do so. Her feet are on the gravel path, and loud whimpers coming from her as she rubs her eyes. Fuck. Now, they're going to think of me as a douchebag.

"No. I mean, yeah, but...."

"How could you!" Well, that was sudden. "We've been together for a year, and you're breaking up with me? You're pathetic, Hogan!" She says, trying to wipe away her tears.

I'm just left speechless by her words and why she's making a scene right now.
"Could we just.....maybe try to go to a quiet place first-" I try to say, while walking towards the spot she's crying on.

I'm totally feeling super embarrassed right now, especially when people's eyes are on us.

Feeling the need to not deal with this in public, I try to help her get up, but then a loud "Bam" strikes my cheek.

Loud "Ohh's" started hailing around us, but I'm still stuck on the pain of that slap.

"Fuck you, Hogan" She says while getting up. "And good luck with your dad." She continues, as she walks away, leaving me stricken in the ground.

I just look at her with dumbstruck features and try to rub the cheek that she just hit.

Attempting to get up from the tragedy of my humiliation, I walk towards a booth and asks for ice from a waiter. My cheeks just turned redder from the slap and dashes of pain started fuming from my given skin. I'm even pretty sure her hand left an indisputable trace and will probably going to mark me for a whole week.

I'm just stuck on the events of what just happened as I try to make sense of it all.

I want to think that I definitely deserve that, but at the same time, I wish she could've done it more privately.

Maybe this is wishful thinking, but I still hoped that Bre would understand that our breaking up was the right choice and she wouldn't make a big deal about it.
There's still no part of me that regrets any of the current interaction, though, and even if my dad begs me to take her back, I'm pretty certain that I won't.

Thinking about what just happened, I know for a fact that people are definitely going to start gossiping about it, probably even talk about it for weeks.
I could only imagine the caption as being "Asshole boyfriend tries to break up with his girl, but was instead beaten up?"

Fuck. That's definitely going to sting, and dramas are truly not my suit. But I guess it could've gone worse, right? I mean, that's definitely bad, but there's no way I won't get through it. Even with all that messed up conflict, at least now....I won't have to deal with Bre anymore, right? Damn. My life.

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