Party Before The Fight

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"Wait so it can happen at a random time?" Roxy looks worried.

Everyone turned their attention to me. "I guess so" I took a quick glance at everyone then back at the planning sheet.

"I guess we are ready?" Chica shrugs and says with a shaky voice.

We all looked at each other then proceeded to nod. "I'll make sure this place is closed to no one can intervene" Michael headed out.

Jeremy went next to me and did a worry face. "Hey we are gonna win this" I place my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"Yeah...I-I think we are" He did a deep sigh before sitting down.

"Well uh we should all party in case we might not make it out you know?" Plush suggested.

We agreed to at least take our mind off it for awhile before anything happens else.

Most of the people went out to help set up the party. Plush, Monty, Chica, Roxy, Freddy and Gregory left.

"There's a feeling that is here..." Foxy looks around the room.

I raised an eyebrow, "Like what" He turned his attention to me. "Like someone's presence—"

"Yeah I finally came" Goldie appeared out of nowhere and almost scared us.

"GOD!" Bonnie place his hand on his chest and breathe heavily.

Goldie chuckled, "Sorry but uh what did I miss?"

"Well you missed the whole talk about the plan but we got it here" Moon spoke and pointed at the planning sheet.

Goldie took a look and already know what's going on just by that. " Hm okay a fight is gonna happen, I already knew that will happen—" "Wait what? what do you mean you already knew?" Foxy cut him off.

"Oh shit my bad before Y/n had her vision, I also saw it—well actually I WAS in it but I was invisible"

"You heard and saw the whole talk?" My eyes widened and he nodded.

Goldie stretched, "Okay well since I know what's going on now, I shall return later when the whole situation happens—" "Hey wait at least join us on the party Plush and the others are preparing before the fight" I said and he thought for a moment.

"Fine but I'll go until they are done then I will go at the party" I nodded and Goldie smiles before disappearing.

"I don't know where he goes honestly this building is so big" Foxy fixes his hair.

"So mysterious" I rolled my eyes. "Wanna go meet the others" I suggested and we all agreed except Jeremy. "Nah Ima rest for awhile then I will go" He lay down.

We headed out and went in the elevator. There was silence but eventually it stopped and we got out. Sun happily skipped away without saying anything.

Bon, Foxy and I look at each other before shrugging and heading towards the party.

"Well guys...this will or will not be our last night but we won't let them!" Plush annouced.
"YEAH!" Others yelled.
"Because we are powerful!"

Plushtrap held his stomach and laughed. "Joking—anyways I don't know how to do this whole thing shit to get us motivated" He walked down the stage.

He started to blast some music. "Well I guess we should have fun?" I said unsure about what they will say.

"Yeah" They did their own thing and I just stood there.

"I need to talk to you" I jumped and noticed Goldie next to me with his arms crossed and looking serious.

"Oh okay??" He grabbed my wrist and went into a corner.

He started at me for a moment before pulling me into a hug. I stood there in shock and hugged him back. "You're an animatronic?" He said and stared at me once again.

Oh shit right he did say he was in there watching. Before I could've respond—"Why did you tell us?!" He shook me a bit.

"I was going to-"
"Do you know what they'll say or feel about you not telling them?"
"Like i said I was-"
"I can already imagine it!"
"Can you-"
"Y/n this is really important!"
"CAN YOU STOP INTERRUPTING ME!" I yelled enough that the music stopped and everyone stared at us.

Goldie looked at them then at me. The music played and Goldie sighed. "I was going to tell you guys when the whole situation is over and william is gone! I know it's been awhile since I haven't said anything because it would upset you guys even if I do say it before or what would be the difference?" I took a big sigh afterwards.

"You're right I'm sorry it's just breaking me inside"  He gave me a tight hug. "Tell them after" I nodded and he disappeared.

Well he knows now.

"Hey Y/n.." I turn around to see Jeremy rubbing his eyes.

His hair was messy too, "looks like someone got a good quick nap" I smirked and he smiled. "Couldn't m-much sleep well" I gesture at the party with my head.

"Sure" We headed over and sat down at one of the tables. Bonnie was there with Chica so i joined them.

Jeremy instantly lay his head down on the table and close his eyes.

"Heyyyy Y/n!" Chica peeked over Bon to look at me and waved. Bonnie turn to his right and waved as well. "Hey guys seems like you guys are having a good time"

"We are just eager to fight them" Chica says proudly.

I raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you scared earlier?" "She's totally was" Bon laughed and Chica playfully punched him on his shoulder.

"Ay!" Chica giggled and talked to the other person beside her. I peeked over and saw it was Roxy.

Bon turned his attention to me. "I still can't believe we are all here today although some didn't... you know.." "I know but hey I think we will beat them" I smiled and he smiled back.

"I hope we can get our revenge for him killing us" He heavily sighed and leaned back onto his chair.

Me too. I glanced at the others dancing. I heard laughter, Roxy and Chica went to the dance floor.

From the corner of my eye i saw Bonnie's ears go straight up. "Hey uh wanna go dance?" I turn my glaze to him, he's already staring at me.

"Sure why not" We both stood up and I took a quick look at Jeremy passed out.

We went to the dance floor and he extended his hand out. I gladly took it and began to dance.

He was really good at it. A song began to play to which we both liked, we were jamming out and singing.

He spun me around and caught me. "Holy-" I stopped and laughed. A smile grew on his face.

He traces his fingers on my face and went in for a kiss. Of course I kissed him back. Soon we pulled away.

"GUYS I THINK THEY ARE HERE!" Sun yelled enough that it caught everyone's attention.

We panicked and quickly headed towards the staff room.

Jeremy was basically being dragged away by Foxy since he's in his waking up phase.

Soon everyone was together.

"Alright you guys remember what to do and who you guys are with right?" Michael looked at everyone.

We all nodded, "Good we will get in place so any final words?"

"See you all in the other side" I smiled and i know they all seemed nervous deep down.

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