To a new life

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 A/N: To prevent any confusion, Sarah and Peter have a vehicle. They prefer to walk because it helps them calm down, and it helps get their thoughts together - especially if they're pissed. If they're pissed and are on the road, they would've been under stress by trying to gain their thoughts and focus on the road at the same time. Also, I would like to thank all of you for enjoying this story. It makes me so happy to know a lot of people enjoyed this story ^^ Stay tuned for the next story, and enjoy this last chapter❤️

 ⚠️ Trigger warning: Dismembering, gore⚠️       

        After killing TK, Peter decided to quickly worry about hiding the body. Sarah woke up and took Y/N home, but not before him checking up on her to see if she's really okay. Peter decided the best way to get rid of TK's body is to dismember him. He quickly carried his body back to his house, and back into the room where he place Y/N on the day he kidnapped them. While on the way to the his house, Peter's mind was racing. He then thought about the police. 'I know they didn't let that arson incident go.. But they probably should've suspected TK to have something to do with it.' He sighed, 'I'll dismember TK... and let his insides rot.'

      Entering the room, he yanked TK's lifeless body off of his shoulder and placed him on the floor. Due to him being lifeless, his body felt heavier. Once placing TK down, Peter let out a frustrated huff. He went into the darkness of the room, only to return with a rolling table, gloves, and a saw. He rolled the tablet to the space where there is a light, and dragged TK's body next to it. Afterwards, he picked him up and placed him on the table. Once his body hit the table, it made a 'thud' sound. Peter looked at his body in disgust, and put on the gloves. Once the gloves is on his hands, he plugged up the saw and began cutting. Peter had no care in where he sliced as he just focused on getting rid of TK once and for all. Once he was done, he unplugged the saw and put it away. Bits and pieces is scattered all over the table and on the floor. Peter look at the pieces that was once TK.. He didn't smile nor anything. His face remained blank and lifeless. He left the room to grab a trash bag and came back to dispose all of the parts of TK. Afterwards, Peter threw away the gloves. Once he was done trashing everything, he got to cleaning all of the blood. He cleaned the blood off of the table, floor, and saw. While all this was going on, Sarah and Y/N was sitting in the living room - watching tv. Y/N didn't say a word, as they knew that Peter is pissed and prefer to be left alone. Sarah, despite not knowing what all happened, took the hint and stayed silent as well. 

         Peter made sure to leave no trace of blood. He put a certain chemical on the areas where TK's blood was spilled. That way it won't show up on a black light. He stood up and sighed. His mind kept spinning as he went to take a shower. Y/N wanted to hug him, but they stayed silent as Peter walked past them, and headed to his bedroom. He grabbed a black long-sleeve shirt, and grey shorts, and headed to the bathroom. While showering, Peter was lost in thought. 'So far the police haven't contacted me nor questioned me.. I don't want Y/N to go through this. They're probably under a lot of stress as it is.' Suddenly, his eyes widened as an idea popped up in his head. 'We'll move.. Sarah and I have been saving money aside in case of emergencies.. We have enough money to move somewhere.' He sighed and nodded to himself. 'It's settled.. We'll move somewhere else.' Once Peter got out of the shower and got dressed, he immediately put his bloody clothes into the trash bag and kept it in the room where he dismembered TK. 'Now it's time to break the news to Sarah and Y/N.' He thought as he made his way into the living room. Y/N was looking down at their thighs, and Sarah was staring at the blank tv screen. Peter came into the room and stood in front of them, and cleared his throat. Sarah and Y/N immediately paid attention to Peter and waited to see what he would say next. "We need to move." Y/N sighed, and looked over to see Sarah having an eerie expression on her face. "What..?" Peter kept a straight face, and crossed his arms. "I said, we need to move, Sarah. I'm not gonna repeat myself again." Sarah immediately got pissed and stood up. "Why do we need to move?! We're fine where we're at right now! If it's about that dude you killed-" "It's not only about him! If you haven't been paying attention, the police haven't questioned me about the arson incident! They've already questioned TK, and I'm pretty sure he's mentioned my name to them! It's not safe to be here any longer!" Y/N stayed quiet as they didn't know what to say in this situation. "This has nothing to do with me, Peter! If you haven't realized, *you* have your whole!" Sarah says as she points at Y/N. Then she placed her hand on her chest, "*I* don't have my whole yet!-" Peter grit his teeth as he yelled back, "that's because you're too much of a scared BITCH to even talk to your crush! I am not holding Y/N and I back because of your insecurities." Sarah's eyes widened as she heard Peter's hurtful words. Peter, with an angry expression, turned towards Y/N. "I'm packing our bags.. We're leaving tonight. We can't waste anymore time-" "I'm not going with you..." Peter looked at her and huffed. "You know what? If you wanna stay here.. it's all on you. But Y/N and I are leaving.. I finally have them to myself now, and we're gonna be together forever." Sarah sighed and nodded her head. "We'll still have contact with each other... right?" He nodded, "of course." Sarah nodded and helped Y/N into their wheelchair. Afterwards, Peter went up to them and gave them a peck on the lips. "Will.. we get my things from my dorm?" "I'll go get them." Sarah says as she raised her hand. They both looked at her. "It might add more suspicion if you two are seen at Y/N's dorm. Y/N, you can tell me where it is and I'll head there to get your stuff." They smiled warmly and nodded. While Y/N told Sarah her dorm location, Peter headed off to his bedroom to pack his stuff. While packing, he heard the front door open and shut. Once he was done packing, he placed the bag on the couch and sat down. He held his head back as he closed his eyes. Y/N leaned forward and placed their hand on Peter's thigh. He immediately opened his eyes and gazed at them. "Something wrong, dear?" They shook their head and smiled warmly at him. "No... I'm just happy to be here with you, love." He smiled back and picked them up to place them on his lap. Y/N blushed at Peter's sudden action, but laid their head against his chest. While laying like this, they drifted into deep slumber.

           After Sarah packed all of Y/N's things, she headed back towards the house. While heading back, she started thinking about the things Peter said to her.. She sighed. "Peter's right.... I've been so insecure, and it's been getting in the way of getting closer to my love. Peter was able to get Y/N in his grasp because he grew the guts to speak to them. I've done nothing much to even get his attention." She sighed, "it's settled. Tomorrow.. I'll ask him on a date." She smiled to herself as she entered the house. She saw both Y/N and Peter passed out on the couch. She longed to have a relationship and be cuddling with her lover. She pushed her feelings aside and woke Peter up. He instantly woke up and looked at Sarah as she held up the bag, showing that she had Y/N's things. He sighed and nodded, and woke Y/N up. They groaned and opened their eyes. Peter pecked their forehead and they sat up. "It's time to go, darling." They smiled and nodded.

        Peter placed Y/N and his things into the trunk of his car. While Peter was busy doing this, Sarah gave Y/N a hug and they were saying their goodbyes. Once Peter was finished, he walked up to Sarah and gave her a big hug. "I love you, brother.." He smiled warmly, "I love you too, sis." Sarah helped Y/N into the passenger seat, as Peter folded their wheelchair. Afterwards, Sarah waved them goodbye as they drove off. While driving, Peter and Y/N couldn't help but think about their new life. Y/N's old life drained out of their head... All they could think about is Peter, and their life with him. Peter was overjoyed. As he drove, he held Y/N's hand and gave it a few pecks. Once they were at a good distance, Peter stopped the car to bury TK's limbs. Once he was done, he drove away... with his love.

To a new life. 

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