There's only one way.

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TK's POV: 

       I can't believe Y/N doesn't believe me... Are they *that* delusional?! After leaving their dorm, I decided to go back to the old building that had burnt down. It may be dust and ashes by now, but there has to be some kind of evidence left. I began running as my mind was racing. When I finally arrived at the building, I was in shock to see what condition it's in now. At this point, the building is just a stack of toothpicks. There was police tape around the building. I slowly walk towards it and went over the police tape. 'This is surely illegal, but I need to get some evidence. I have a bad feeling he's gonna do something to Y/N.' I thought as I began searching.

      After what seemed like eternity, I was unable to find anything of the sort. I grit my teeth i n frustration. "Fuck! There has to be *some* kind of evidence left!" But then... a sudden thought had hit me. "Wait a minute... The SIM card!" Peter thought I was distracted and not notice him taking the SIM card out of the phone, but I saw him from the corner of my eye. "He broke the phone, but he still has the card! If I can get that card from him, I can place it a cellphone and retrieve those photos!" My blood was rushing as I was already setting my plan into motion. I went away from the building and headed back to my dorm. 

    Jeremy and Rose wasn't home so that meant I won't have any distractions. 'I'm gonna do all of this on my own. Peter is a menace and I don't want him killing anymore people.' I sighed as I sat on my bed and began thinking. 'There's only one problem, though... I don't know where he lives, or where he put the card. Hopefully he still has it and didn't burn it nor anything.' I scratched my head as I was deep in thought. 'Following him won;t work... Hell, it didn't work the first time. For a psychopath he sure is a smart one.' After hours of thinking I started getting a headache. I stood up and headed out the dorm, and began walking. I lost track of how long I've been walking because I was so deep into thought, but I finally stopped and entered a nearby cafe.

      When entering the cafe, a lady at the register had greeted me. I notice that she looked a little bit like Peter. She had a pink headband that was in her white hair, her eyes had these dark bags under them - just like Peter, her skin was a little bit lighter than his, she had the same eye color as him, she had this black long sleeve shirt with some kind of band displayed on it and had the stench of cologne - which I immediately noticed when I got more closer to the register - and it was covered with an apron, and she had this same.. unnerving smile just like Peter. 'No.. this is too coincidental.' I cleared my throat. "Hello sir, what would you like to order?" I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize I was staring at her. Her face changed from a cheerful to fearful. I was suddenly snapped back into reality when she waved her hand in front of my face. "Oh! I'm sorry.. I was lost in thought, but I would like to get two donuts please." I said as I reached for a few bucks in my pocket. She grabbed the money and nodded. "Would you like them to be to-go?" I shook my head; "I'll just eat here." She nodded and pointed to a table. "You can just sit down and I'll be right over there with your order." I smiled nervously and nodded - making my way over to a table that's in the corner. After a few minutes, the lady came over and handed me my order. She was about to walk away, but I grabbed her arm. She turn to look at me; "huh??" She seemed frantic once I did that. I instantly let her go. "Um.. I'm sorry for grabbing your arm like that, but.. I wanted to ask you something." She crossed her arms, having a blank expression on her face, and raised a brow. "What's your question, sir?" I cleared my throat, feeling a sick feeling in the pit of my gut. But I built up the courage of asking her my question. "Do.. you happen to know someone by the name of Peter?" Her eyes widened and she placed her arms down on the both of her sides. There was a long moment of silence, but that's when the lady broke the silence. "Why're you asking me such a question??" I gulped down the lump that's in my throat, and spoke; "because... I couldn't help but notice that... you look just like 'em." She crossed her arms and sighed. "Yes.. I know him. He's my brother." My eyes widened in shock. "He's your brother?!!?" She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Yeah.. he is." She looked towards the door as another customer came inside and headed towards the register. She groaned and pointed towards the register. "If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work." Before I can say anything else, she left and tended to the customer. I grabbed one of the donuts that I ordered and took a bite out of it. 'I cannot believe he has a sister... She seems.. more normal than Peter.' I continue eating as I was deep into my thoughts. When I was finally done eating, I finally have an idea on how to retrieve the SIM card. 

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