Yet another hardworking day...

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Y/N's POV:
"TK, we got another order!" I yelled from the register. "I gotcha!" I nodded at him as I tended to another customer. It was one of those days where the diner was packed. Many were in a rush to get some food in their tummy before they headed off to work. That is relatable as I have minimum time to get some food in my system before heading to this place. "Here's their order." TK nodded towards the plate as he placed it down on the counter, he then headed back to what he was doing afterwards. I quickly grabbed the plate and headed towards the customer that ordered the respective food. "Here's your order, ma'am. Please enjoy." I said, as I placed the plate of pancakes in front of a woman. She looked up at me and smiled warmly. "Thank you, dear." She said as she took a bite of the food. I smiled back and turned to head back to the register. I noticed the line getting longer, so I hurried my over there. When I arrived back to the register TK placed more food onto the counter. "Here's some more orders!" TK yelled as he ran to cook some more food. I didn't look away as I try to quickly tend to all the customers that was in line.
Hours later, the diner was less packed like it was earlier. There were only up to a few customers. Some were just teens sitting in the corner on their cellphones, one man who was drinking coffee while typing quickly on his computer, and one young woman who was reading a book as she was finishing her food. I sighed and looked at the time. 'Huh... 9:30. Perfect time to at least take a short break.' I thought. I looked over at TK, who was scrolling through social media on his phone while leaning against the wall, and said 'psst'. He looked up and tilted his head a little to the side. "Yeah?" I pointed my thumb towards the door. I'm gonna take a break. I'll have my phone on me, so just call me if you need me." He nodded and looked back towards his phone. I speed walk towards the door and made my way outside. The morning sunlight immediately hits my face as I start walking towards a park. The breeze felt amazing as I kept walking. I smiled to myself and took a deep breath. After walking for a little while, I noticed a bench next to a trash can. I decided to sit there for a minute. As I sat down, I looked up and felt more of the sunshine beaming against my face. It felt nice. I closed my eyes and smiled warmly. 'Despite this morning being all over the place, the weather is so nice and welcoming.' I thought as I felt more of the breeze go through my short/long/tied hair. I leaned back, and after a while I dozed off a little. After awhile, I woke up. I stretched and then I felt a sudden presence beside me. I looked over and saw a guy sitting beside me. I shrieked as he caught me by surprise. "Woah! I didn't mean to scare ya." He said, as he placed his hand up. I sighed and smiled warmly at him. "No no.. it's ok." I shrieked because you sorta caught me by surprise." I said, as I giggled nervously. He smiled. "I apologize for shrieking like that, though." I said, as I scratched the back of my neck. He giggled a little. "There's no need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing, as I was the one that startled you." I shook my head. "It's ok." I looked into his eyes and smiled.
There was a long pause. He finally broke the silence. "So.. um.. this might be a little straightforward, but would you like to go on a date with me?" My eyes widened. 'That is a little straightforward. We only spoke for a second..' I thought. I felt a lump in my throat and my lips go dry. I must've looked like an idiot just sitting there as I was trying to make up my mind. I didn't want to be rude towards the guy, so I'll give him a chance. "Erm... sure, I'll go on a date with you." After hearing that, his smile grew wider. "Great!" I looked down towards my feet and put both of my hands on my lap. "But we need a place to go for our date." I looked back over to him, and saw him clasp his hand on his forehead. "Oh shoot.. you're right. I didn't even think about that. Heh..." I chuckled nervously. He looked at me and smiled. "Why don't we go to that diner that you work at?" My smile faded a little. 'How does he know where I work at..' I felt an uncomfortable feeling, but I shrugged it off. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we can go there for our date." "Okay! It's settled!" He smiled widely. I nodded and stood up. "Well.. I gotta head back to work." I chuckled nervously, the feeling of awkwardness rushing over me. "Okay!" He stood up as well. I waved at him and started making my way back to the diner.

???'s POV:
I cannot believe it.. They're going on a date with me. I could not stop smiling as I watched them walk away. My heart will not stop pounding. As soon as they were out of sight, I started walking away as well. While walking I thought about something. 'Maybe.. I should see if they're safely making their way back to the diner.' I immediately turned around and head into the same direction as them. As they said, they headed right back towards the diner. I hid out of sight and continued watching them. I looked into the window and noticed someone.. It was a guy in an apron. He had green hair with a black beanie covering most of his hair. I saw the guy head towards Y/N. He had his hands on his hips and looked annoyed. 'Who is this guy, and what relation does he have with my love??' I thought, as I felt the feeling of irritation rush over me. Y/N seems to be looking apologetic, as they had a guilty look on their face. 'Is he making them upset...?' So many thoughts were running through my head. I could not stop wondering who that guy is to them. I will find out...

-After a long day of tending customers, Y/N was able to end their shift and make their way home. When they arrived home, they took a quick bath/shower and went to their closet to choose an outfit. After a few minutes of searching, Y/N grabbed a cute (outfit of choice). After putting on their outfit, they fixed their short/long hair. When they were done getting ready, they grabbed their dorm keys and made their way out the door.-

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