A date with a stranger

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Y/N's POV:
After finally getting myself ready, I made my way out the door. I was so afraid of being a little late, so I made my way, quickly, towards the diner. When I finally arrived, I entered the place. As TK's shift was over the same time as mine, he wasn't there. Instead, there were a few of our coworkers there - tending to the customers. I looked around for a table to sit at. I decided to sit at a table that was next to the window. As I made my way towards the table, I noticed that the guy wasn't here yet. I shrugged. 'He'll probably be a little late.' I thought, as I sat down at the table. I grabbed a menu that was recently placed in the middle of the table, and looked at what I wanted to drink. After a moment of looking, I finally made up my mind. Right on time, one of my coworkers approached me - ready to take my order. Their eyes widened as they were surprised to see me here right after my shift just ended. I smiled nervously and told them my order. "I'll have (drink of choice)." They wrote down my order and headed back towards the register - handing another coworker the paper that contains what I ordered. I looked out the window and sighed. 'I hope he didn't set me up..' I thought as I start fiddling with my fingers.
After a little while, the same coworker came back towards me - with my drink in their hand. I thanked them as they walked off. I focused on my drink just to take my mind off of my overthinking. 'I really think he had set me up.' I thought as I took a sip of my drink. I laid my head on the table and sighed. I suddenly heard the door open. I sit up and look towards the door to see who entered. It was the guy from earlier. He look like he was out of breath, as he was panting. He looked frantically around the place. I couldn't help but notice him having a large white box in his hand. 'Huh.. I wonder what's in there.' I thought. He finally saw me as he smiled and waved at me. I smiled and waved back. He headed towards me. When he arrived at my table, he sat down and looked into my eyes with an apologetic look. "I am really sorry that I'm late.. I was trying my best to hurry because I thought you would've left by now." I shrugged and flashed him another smile. "Hey, it's ok. You don't need to apologize.. And plus, you didn't make me wait *that* long." To make him feel better, I gently placed my hand over his. He flinched a little, but relaxed. He looked up at me, his face a little red due to being flustered. He smiles widely at me. "I'm glad you're here." He said, as he placed down the white box. I nodded and replied, "I'm glad as well." I moved my hand away from his and took a sip out my drink. I could not stop looking at the box, as curiosity was taking over me. I guessed he noticed me staring at the box because he immediately moved the box towards my direction. "Here, it's for you." He said, as he smiled warmly tat me. I grabbed the box and began opening it. I put my hand inside and pulled something out. I looked in awe as I saw these beautiful red roses. "Wow.. these are beautiful!" I smelled a sweet scent coming from them. "I got those for you.. It took me awhile to get here because I saw a flower shop, and I wanted to search for the perfect flowers for you." He said, as his smile grew wider. I looked into his blue eyes and smiled back at him. "Thank you.. No one ever done this for me before, so I appreciate it." I gently placed them back into the box and closed it. Afterwards, I place the box aside. Silence filled the air as there was nothing left for me to talk about. I sneaked a few glances at him. He was looking at the window with his head resting against his hand. I couldn't help but stare at him. He just looks.. unique to me. I started to get deep into my thoughts. I didn't realize I was staring at him for awhile until he snapped me back into reality. "Um.. Are we having a moment?" I felt my face heat up a little as I snapped back out of my thoughts. "Oh! Um.. sorry." He chuckled. "It's fine. You didn't weird me out, if that's what you're worried about." I sighed. "I didn't mean to stare at you.. It's just.. I'm sorta curious about you." He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what is that you're curious about?" I fiddled with my fingers and shrugged. "Well.. What's your name?" His smiles faded and turned into a frown. His expression changed.. His smile faded.. Once again, I felt a lump in my throat and my lips go dry. 'Did I say something wrong? Why is he looking at me like that??' I felt a drip of sweat go down my face. After a moment of staying silent, he finally spoke. "Well..." I shivered. His voice sounded deep.. The atmosphere was suffocating. "Oh.. um... I'm sorry if I said anything wrong. I just didn't want to keep calling you 'stranger' or 'guy'. If you are not comfortable in sharing your name.. then I can tell you mines, at least." I smiled nervously. He didn't say anything. He looked away.. still with the same scary expression on his face. I cleared my throat. "Well.. My name is Y/N." I chuckled nervously. He looked up at me and began to speak. "That's... a beautiful name." I blushes a little. "My.. name is Peter." I nodded, and smiled slightly. "That's a nice name." He took a deep irritable breath. 'I think I should just wrap this date up and give this guy some alone time.' I swallowed the lump in my throat and finished the rest of my drink. "Well.. this date was nice, but I gotta head home. I have to get up early for work." His expression changed to... sadness? "Oh.. okay." He nodded understandingly. I stood up. "If you like, we can hang out again." I smiled warmly. His face lit up again. "Yes, I would love to." He blushed a little. I nodded. "Then it's settled. Here." I headed towards the register and grabbed a small piece of paper and wrote down my number on it. I headed back to Peter and handed him the small piece of a paper. "Here's my number." He grabbed it and smiled widely. "Okay! I'll call you tomorrow~" I giggled and nodded. "Okay!" I grabbed the box that contains the roses and threw away my cup. Afterwards, I made my out the door. Peter followed suite. I waved to him goodbye and started heading my way to my dorm. While on my way, I was praying that I won't walk in on my roommate during her 'study sessions', as they tend to doing those sessions outside her bedroom sometimes. When they're done with their sessions, they also tend to make a habit of walking around the place.. naked.
When I arrived home, I could hear muffled sounds coming from my roommates' room. 'Ugh.. They're doing it again.' I thought as I headed to my room. I took off my shoes and plopped onto my bed while taking a long sigh. "Why're they doing this at this time right now..?" I checked my phone to see if I for any notifications. "Nothing.." I placed my phone on the nightstand and laid my head on my pillow. After a few minutes, I dozed off into deep slumber.

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