"You don't want to be here do you?" Jisung asked.

"No." My one word answer caused Jisung to shut his mouth. There was no more talking between me and him. He walked his way back over towards Changbin who stared at me with a look. A look that clearly read "you didn't have to sound so rude."

Though honestly I could give a fuck less. Maybe I was an ungrateful bitch, but I also probably would've been more appreciative of this if I was asked rather than shipped away.

I scooped spoonfuls of cereal into my mouth as I leaned against the kitchen counter. I purposefully avoided any eye contact with the two boys in the living room.

I saw a familiar head full of blue stumble into the kitchen, barely grazing past me. I had to stand up straight so he didn't trip over my feet. He pulled the fridge open, rubbing his eyes lazily before looking at me.

"Did you use the last of the milk?" Jeongin asked and I pointed to the counter, where I had left the milk and forgotten to put it up. It's only been like two minutes. It should be fine.

Not another word was said. I didn't really feel too comfortable exploring upstairs or the basement today, so I decided to just head outside. The back door was at the very end of the hallway, after passing a threshold into another small gathering area.

As I went out the back door, I was hit with a full fog of smoke. The rude blonde from yesterday leaned against the porch beam, puffing an almost dead cigarette.

"That's bad for you." I said as I brushed passed him sit down on the porch stairs. The sunlight was playing peekaboo behind white clouds, the rays occasionally breaking through the leaving of trees.

"It's a good thing I don't care then." He flicked his cigarette onto the wood, stomping it out with tip of his shoe. His face was cover in freckles, as if someone held him down and splattered his cheeks and even his ears with paint.

He looked down on me as he stood above me. He looked to be debating on whether going back inside of sitting down beside my on the steps.

He chose the former, but as he walked away he spoke. "Look, I don't do friends."

"Never said I wanted to be friends." I said to myself but loud enough for him to hear.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of nature. I wanted to paint this feeling. The quiet feeling of how it feels to be free yet so isolated.

My phone began to ring in my pocket, based on the ringtone I knew it was Heeseung.

"What's up?" I answered and was instantly bombarded with questions.

"Dude! What's it like there? Are there any hot people? Is your roommate hot?" He was talking 50 miles an hour. I just laughed.

"Try roommates."

"There's more than one?" He sounded astounded.

"There's seven of them." I said flatly.

"What!? That's even better chances for you too finally hook up with someone!"

"I don't know if I should thank you for being so supportive of me or weirded out that you keep trying to get me to bone." I laughed again.

"Thank me obviously. I'm just stating facts, 7 men in a dorm with you. I'd definitely say that's better odds than just one guy."

"Heeseung. I'm not going to do that. I'd rather keep my virginity til I'm 80 than lose it at this school."

"Damn, You're a virgin?" A voice called out from behind me, causing me to jump. I turned to see Minho. The other senior.

"Heeseung, I've gotta go. I'll call back later okay?"


I cut him off with the end call button and turned to Minho.

"Do you eavesdrop on everyone?" I snapped at him. He rose his hands up in surrender.

"I was just coming to see if you ate breakfast and heard that. I didn't mean to offend you." Minho backed off a little.

I didn't speak again. I just stood and pushed passed him.

He grabbed my wrist. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I'm not ashamed." I ripped my arm away from his. "And I barely know you, so fuck off."

My yelling drew the attention of everyone in the house. Chan walked up to both of us, asking what the problem was.

"There's no problem Chan." Minho said, his fists balled at his sides as he slammed his shoulder into mine when he walked past me.

Chan looked back and forth between me and Minho who continued to walk away. Chan tried to speak but I instantly turned away and went into my room.

Great. Barely my second day here and I'm doing absolutely fucking fantastic.



Here's Chapter Five of Madly!
I'm updating S&CS tomorrow afternoon!

I love you all, and hope you guys are doing good. Stay hydrated and please take care of yourselves!

Til next update!

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