"What about a bat?" She asked out of nowhere. "Instead of a spider?"

I met her calculating eyes. "Are you insinuating that Seo-yoon is Batman?"

She hummed. "Im saying it's plausible. Think about it. If she's part bat it explains how she hears and knows everything. Don't bats have that echolocation thing but through the air instead of water?"

I nodded in affirmation. "Yes."

"So it makes sense. Seo-yoon could be reading the air vibrations to know what we're—DANG IT!" Ben interrupted herself in the middle of her rant. My eyes widened at the sudden change.

"What the heck happened, Ben?"

She looked down dejectedly. "I missed the rock," she said, looking behind her I guess at her specific rock surround by millions of others on the gravel path. She let out a frustrated groan as she turned and continued walking forward.

"You don't understand," she started when she saw my face, seconds from cracking up. "I've been kicking that rock since the beginning of our conversation. That was like a bullet wound to my soul."

I patted her back. "That's a shame."

"He was so young."

"Do you think he'd be his own grave stone?"

"That's so morbid...." she paused. "Actually, maybe."

"Why is it that I always tune in to the wrong end of you two's conversations?"

We looked up to see a tired Seo-yoon leaning against the front hood of our van, the other girls already inside. Somehow, while we were talking, Ben and I managed to make it all the way back to the car in the parking lot.

     "How do you always manage to hear them?" I responded.

     Ben coughed. "Batman."

     Seo-yoon raised an eyebrow, a scary look taking over her face. "What did you say?"

     "Woah! I never noticed just how nice this car is. It's so sleek and expensive looking. And it can fit everyone comfortably," Ben deflected nervously, elbowing me for help.

"Y-Yeah. And look at the seats. Wow, is that leather? So fancy!"

"Not to mention the tinted windows and...." She started to flounder. "Uh....the tires?"

"They're very....round?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking!"

"Get in the car."

"Yes ma'am."

- - - - - - -

The next day was back to regular practice. Our schedule was an odd assortment of times—either early in the morning or late at night—because Xiuying and Sun-hee had class during the day. They left a few hours ago, leaving the rest of us to find something to do until it was time to pick them up.

I stared at my laptop screen with my brows furrowed, sinking a bit further into the comfort that was Ben's futon. The girl mentioned sat across from me at her desk, headphones on as she faced her own computer, tapping her fingers on the the plastic armrest.

I sighed. She seemed to be having much better luck than I was. I glanced at the open notebook beside me on the cushion, then back to the laptop resting on my legs. I had the chorus figured out along with the ending, but I couldn't seem to get the verses how I wanted.

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