45. Shocking Turn

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Eden was horrified "Oh my god..." She was sobbing as she was covering her mouth.

Falco said "Luckily they are alive... They are injured but under treatment of the best doctors. They will recover... But it can be a lengthy recovery especially for my grandpa... So now... My uncle Federico is in charge... Not my grandfather.... before this happened. My grandpa Ferdinando Fontana was the head of family. My uncle Federico is older than my father, Fabrizio... So now, what my uncle goes... He is outraged... He is reasonable. But when the blood of a Fontana is shed, he would forget who my mother is related to... He could kill your parents and brother if he wishes it and gets angry enough... He has them and they could die any day he wishes if he judges them to be guilty... My father or my grandfather were shot... My mother is abducted... Enough Fontanas have gotten hurt because of your father... That's why if you want to pray for anyone you should pray for them... They are under interrogation and even torture and no one can save them..."

Eden looked at Falco with tearful eyes "I am scared. This is so shocking...  But....Would your uncle interrogate me too? Is he coming to see me now that I am awake? I would beg him for hours and hours if I have to on my knees to spare my family's life..."

Falco said "You cant change his mind... He is a businessman... He is not emotional... He won't listen to you... And no he is not coming to get you... Not yet... He doesn't know you are here.. My people abducted you before his people reached your house... Your brother was unfortunately out of your house and they got him while he was outside. I think he was meeting his friends and they captured him on his way in an alley. There was no way I could break him out of my uncle's grasp... That place has security like no other place... My uncle will eventually find out you are here... He is the boss and head of family... Someone here who works for my father will tell him you are here if they are ordered to report to him... I will try to protect you if he comes.."

Eden breathed. "Protect me?" She wiped her tears and thought over what she had heard. She had a distant look in her eyes.

Falco said "What's on your mind? You are quiet... I am very sorry about all this... This is not your fault..."

Eden looked at Falco "You are right...Its not my fault... But my father has to accept responsibility... He has wronged your family... I am scared for him... But... I am scared for your father too... Your father is my aunt Eleanor's husband...He is injured... Dont get me wrong... I am grateful that by the looks of it your have defied your uncle in some ways to save me and brought me here.... But shouldn't you be with your father or even your grandfather if they are under medical treatment after getting shot? Your mother was abducted... Shouldn't you be comforting him right now? And you are so calm when so much has happened to you... Shouldn't you be angry with me and my family? Your mother is abducted... Your father is hurt and so is your grandfather.... My family had a role in that..."

Falco said "My father told me to stay with you... He told me to save you and protect you... I do what he tells me... And we are related... You are my cousin... To my uncle you are nothing... But to me you are my relative... My uncle has less mercy in him than my father or even my grandfather actually. He didn't used to be like this... After his wife died, he became more merciless... You are innocent in my eyes. He doesn't think so. He thinks you are guilty by association. I am calm... I have been mentored and trained all my life by my grandfather, my father and my uncle to deal with crisis... I have always expected getting hit where it hurts... This is my world... It is making me angry what's happened... Dont get me wrong... But I will take my anger out on the guilty ones who abducted my mother when I get my hands on them... That could take a while... "

Suddenly a knock came on the door "Sir... your uncle has sent his men and your cousin, Ferrucio is outside issuing ultimatums for us to open the gates or he will attack..."

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