Chapter 33

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For the first time in my life I broke down and went across the street before I would normally take a break

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For the first time in my life I broke down and went across the street before I would normally take a break. Since I usually wait until after lunch hour, but I am glad I choose today that I needed some caffeine. At least I thought I needed caffeine, until I heard a yelp coming from behind the counter.

I rounded the counter top in a heart beat. Only to find Scarlett holding onto several of her fingers and some smoke coming from the back of a machine.

I barely register the words that slipped through my lips. I hadn't meant to sound mad or mean, but worry set in quick. Along with the protective side to me.

Gently, I take her hand away from the one clutching it to see if there is any visible wounds.

Upon inspecting her fingers and hand, there is no physical wounds, but I heard when she said her fingers were numb. That alone tells me it was an electrical shock and it messed with at the minimum the nerves in her fingers.

I let her know that I am taking her to the emergency room. Call me pushy, but I don't even ask. She just needs to be evalauted by a doctor and make sure it is nothing serious or going past her fingers.

Scarlett asks about me getting coffee. Little does she know this right here just woke me up completely, and the last thing I need is caffiene to make me a jittery mess.

Thankfully, Maddy is also on my side with her needing to be seen.

I don't give her any time to put up more of a fight, as I guide her out the back door.

I walk her across the street. Opening the door to my truck for her, she gets in and I buckle her seat belt.

Rushing around the front, Alex steps out the garage bay area and sees us. I know he caught Scarlett craddling her hand again.

"Maddy will tell you." I rush out as I jump in the truck.

The drive is short getting to the hospital. Guiding a grumbling Scarlett into the building has been a hilarious perk but she needs to be checked over.

Once, I tell the front desk nurse what I presume happen and the issue, she was quick to get us in back. Granted, at least this time of day the emergency room is empty.

A doctor comes in and goes over the details more in depth with Scarlett, who had me stay when the doctor asked. I listen and watch as he exams and does one small test on her hand.

Scarlett is released within a short amount of time after the nerve conduction velocity test. She doesn't have any permanent damage to her fingers, thankfully. Her only fingers not affected with her thumb and pinky, but the doctor said feeling should return to the other three within a few days. To just refrain from using the ones that are numb from the shock.

I have texted Alex and he said he has the shop under control and will close up for me. Maddy was quick to call Scarlett and I heard when she said to relax the rest of the day she had the coffee shop under control.

I drive us to the Diner and park the truck. Scarlett is on the phone with Maddy telling her about the results she got after Maddy was not taking the short verison the first time before telling Scarlett she had the shop.

My eyes drift to the glove box, my mind goes straight to the ring. Not having moved it from the area it has been in since I bought it.

I whisper to Scarlett I am going to grab us some food and she nods her head. I hop out of the truck. I walk in the Diner placing our order and getting the burgers, fries, and drink within ten minutes.

I place the food in the middle seat between us. The good thing is that now the days are shorter being winter time. With a glance at my watch I know that the lights will be coming on within twenty minutes.

I start the truck and drive us there. I can tell Scarlett's mind is not focused much on the here and now based on the faces she is making.

"Are we not going to one of our houses?" Scarlett questions looking out the window.

"Nope. I have somewhere that I think you will enjoy." I answer and then button my lips together.

Depending how this goes here tonight, I really want to propose now. It may not be the time considering she did just get hurt a few hours back, but I want to make something about today special.

"Oh, okay." Scarlett mumbles.

I pull the truck up and park right in the middle lane, since the parking lot is empty. Looking at the time again, we got here five minutes before the lights come on.

It is already dark enough that you can't tell that the lights are even strung up. So to me, this is even better of a surpise for her when they turn on.

"A park?" Scarlett giggles some.

I pull out our food and hand her the burger in the container with the fries.

"Thanks." Scarlett smiles and picks it up with both hands. I watch as she starts eating and not moving her right hand just having it at one part of the burger.

I eat on my food and glance at my watch many times. Five minutes go the absolute slowest when watching the time.

I look at Scarlett as she eats on the fries and nibbling on the burger back and forth. Right before she goes to put a fry in her mouth, the lights pop on.

Scarlett's eyes go wide and the biggest grin is making her face brighten even more.

"Liam this is the best thing ever! I totally needed this!" Scarlett squeals. Her food completely forgotten.

I can feel the cheesy smile I have on my face.  I am quick to close my container of remaining food and put it on the dash.

Scarlett's hand finds mine on her own. The feeling I have toward her will never die out and I know without a doubt in my mind that tonight is the night. I am asking her to marry me here.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Liam done well with the park and lights? Seems to have helped put cheer back into a little bitter Scarlett.

It is the spot Liam is going to do the main question. Who is ready?

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