Chapter 5

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I shouldn't even be here today

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I shouldn't even be here today. Yesterday we did get in the last of the tools needed for my auto shop to open Monday.

The bikes are here also. Those babies, I have been spending time looking over. Not to say, I have taken each one for a small ride. Got to make sure that they are in good shape for the students I will be having.

Yeah right, I don't even need a reason to take a ride. The free feeling on a motorcycle is the best there is in the world.

Although, one of the bikes has more power than a student needs to be in control of. So that is the other reason I am here, to tune it down some.

Sure it could have waited on being worked on, since I currently don't have any students signed up.

This is better than being stuck at the house all day. Until tonight at least, that is. The suit hangs in the office for the Ball tonight. I plan on walking there, because what is the point in putting on that monkey suite just to get on a bike and wrinkle it.

I know it isn't a far walk based off the address and looking it up on a map. Hell, I have ran farther than half a mile so a simple walk there is nothing.

A loud banging sound causes me to jump and spin, wrench in hand. I have to learn not to be so jumpy now, the small amount of sleep I barely get does not help either.

"Woah, dude! Put the wrench down." Alex exclaims.

"Man, you know better than to sneak up. Shit." I curse, taking in a deep breath.

"You was not at your house, so figured you was here." Alex says, placing two cups on the tool box.

"I can't stand feeling caged in. Besides, nothing to do but watch some boring show on the television." I say, pulling the rag from my pocket to clean the wrench of the slight grease.

Clean tools, means they will last longer. Plus, I can't stand things being nasty for any length of time.

"I get that." Alex nods, letting out a sigh.

"I got us a coffee each. It is from the little shop across the street. It is killer compared to the straight black coffee we are used too." Alex points the cup out to me.

I take the cup and let the heated flavors dance on my taste buds. Nodding my head, at the coffee while pulling the lid off to look at it.

"It is the Halloween special they are selling." Alex answers my unasked question.

"This is definitely better than regular coffee." I take another drink of it.

"That is not the only thing better at that little shop." Alex wiggles his brows.

I let out a groan.

"Let me guess." I start.

"I met a hot lady. You would be correct. Man, you should have seen how flirty she was with me too." Alex glances behind him.

"Yeah because it wasn't like you was not laying it on thick either." I roll my eyes at him.

"There are two of them. I do also know they both will be attending the Ball tonight." Alex seems to be suggesting.

"Don't try setting me up. You can go and do whatever you wish." I turn back to the tools.

I wouldn't mind finding the possible one tonight, but then again you won't be able to really see the other persons face.

"I told the one lady I spoke too, I would look for her." Alex keeps going.

"Sounds like you're already in love. Thing is which head is thinking." I smirk, with my back to him.

"Both this time. Man, this chick is not only hot but was so sweet. I wouldn't mind seeing where it goes with her." Alex's words stun me.

"What is her name?" I ask, since he actually seems interesting in this lady.

"Maddy." Alex smiles, extending her name out.

Oh, my boy has those love sick eyes. Hard.

Never has he been like this though, in the last seven years of knowing him. Alex has always been the playboy. So I am happy for him, especially if she is the one for him with the way he talks and looks currently.

"Ball starts in a little under two hours. Let's get ready and go walk on over." Alex beams.

I nod my head and move into the bathroom. I am quick to wash off and clean up. I dress quickly, and walk out to see Alex is ready himself.

"Mask." Alex points to them on the desk.

Putting it on, Alex is bouncing on his heels. I let out a chuckle.

"Let's walk." Alex clips, with a smile on his face a mile long.

My shoulders bounce at his happiness. I follow him out the door and turn to lock it up before we leave. The last thing I need to happen is any of this stuff comes up stolen.

Alex waits by impatiently, it should seem. I shake my head and motion for him to start walking.

Walking up the large building, I can see it is a public center. Then again need the space if pretty much the entire town is coming. When I heard at the grocery store last night that the entire town closes for this, I about let my mouth drop.

Alex opens the door and we walk in.

There is nothing but a sea of people in masks, slowly moving about. Not really many people are here yet, but looking at my watch shows we are still twenty minutes early.

Alex walks over to the bar. I follow behind, because a drink right now is the best idea.

I intend to let loose tonight and just enjoy myself. Something, I need to do and I want this small town to start feeling completely like home again. So, I got to get out and make friends.

Figure staying by the bar is a good place as any for people to be able to walk up and start talking. I don't know anyone, so I don't want to walk around and seem noisy with others conversations.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

The guys are at the Ball.

Will Alex and Maddy meet here?

Could it be possible for Liam to meet someone at the Ball as well?

Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. Things will be picking up after this chapter. Promise!

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