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"What's going on?" Y/n asked, Jungkook pacing back and forth with his hands on his head.

"I don't know. I don't even know, Y/n. All I know is that a very buff man is about to call me and ask me questions I don't feel like answering."

Y/n tilted her head. Oh wonderful, he was only confusing her more. So, he took a deep breath and leaned against his dresser, running a hand through his hair. She appreciated the way he calmed himself, and she came over, rubbing his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. It actually somewhat worked, and Jungkook eased into it, closing his eyes and reliving the memories he wanted to push away forever.

"Take your time," she said, lowering her tone until it became like a melody.

"I wasn't planning on telling you this soon, and I'm still gonna leave out some details, but now you deserve to know why the fuck I'm a panicking mess."

"As much as I agree with that, you know you never have to share anything with me that makes you uncomfortable, right?" He opened his eyes and glanced at her, nodding, but she still didn't believe him. "I may be your girlfriend, but you have your own life and privacy. I'm not going to pry on details you don't want me to, okay? The main goal is making sure you feel safe with me."

He pecked her forehead, smiling softly. "I do. I really do, and that's why I want to tell you what happened." She motioned for him to continue, so he let his stare rise to the ceiling. The little crevasses and chips waiting there for his gaze matched his mental state, him pressing his clammy hands against the wood behind him. Time to rip it off like a bandaid. "Namjoon's grandmother was killed."


"Isn't it funny? We're college students, yet all this shit happens. It was loan sharks. His grandmother and grandfather opened a diner and ran it for years, I'm guessing they needed loans to open the place. That's my big secret, Y/n. I was there the night his grandmother got killed."

She backed away by a hair, their gazes locking on each other. "Why didn't you tell Namjoon? Or the police, for that matter?"

"I actually did call the police, just anonymously. And his grandfather told me not to. He didn't want me to go through court as a witness and mess up my life. Court does that to young adults, and he said he didn't want to risk Namjoon hating me for being there but not stopping it. But I had to tell someone, I couldn't keep that bottled up. So I told Jimin and Taehyung, but that's it."

"Would Namjoon really hate you for this?"

"Normally no, but this is his family. People say stupid shit when their families get hurt. They're the people they love, and I was there that night. Namjoon may be angry, he may even try to make me give witness testimony. If it comes to that, I'll do it, but I also want to honor his grandfather's wish to keep me out of it."

His girlfriend crossed her arms over her chest. "Were you close with them?"

"Not really, but I like them. Sweet people."

"If you weren't close with them, why were you there?"

He sighed. This was the part he wasn't sure how to explain, but he tried his best anyway. "It was after hours, the diner was already closed down. I was there because I volunteered to help them with cleaning and stuff. I helped them for a couple weeks. It wasn't really a job, but I wanted to do something that made me feel... I don't know, like I was actually worth something."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, all my life I've been handed things. My parents practically paid for me to get into this school, the girls come flinging at me just because I'm attractive, my grades get mostly handed to me because of my status... everything is handed to me. Money, grades, opportunities, women. For once, I wanted to do something for myself. And of course, the one time I do, everything goes to shit."

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