The Bedroom...

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Jungkook was on his side, glancing at the girl who was pacing back and forth. "It's just one exam, babe," Jungkook said, the word 'babe' still foreign to him. He swirled it around his tongue, trying it on for size. Nothing came of it. Turned out it wasn't that hard of a word to say. He said it with many other women before, but this was different. Jungkook would sound cliché if he said 'Y/n's different', so he wouldn't do that just yet. For now, he'd say she was the girlfriend he wanted to succeed the most with. Jungkook still wasn't sure why.

"Yeah, just one," she said, but her mumble had him raising both his brows.

"Or is it more than one exam? Is something going on? Something we need to talk about?"

"No, not at all, don't worry about it." There was still a hint of mania in her tone, but Jungkook shook it off as nerves. Philosophy was a hard class, and their first big exam was coming up. They had three: a starting one (the one they were about to take tomorrow), the midterm, and the final. It made up about 40% of their grade, and the rest of their grade was homework, participation, and attendance. Yeah, they were in the days where just showing up to class meant you got a 100 worth 20% of your grade. It was a little sad, but Jungkook would take a free 100.

"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?"

She went to nod, then paused halfway. Even her pacing halted. He went to speak again, but she whipped around and interrupted him with a question he never thought he'd be asked. "Have you ever done anything illegal?"

"Have you?" he asked as he sat up.

"Jungkook, I'm serious."

"Alright, strange question, but I guess I can see why you'd think that I have. The answer is no, I haven't," he said. And he was honest, too. Jungkook may be an asshole and a stereotypical 'bad boy', but he still never did anything illegal. At least... not to anyone's knowledge.

"Not even like... weed?"

"I'd argue weed is a neutral ground, but no, not even weed. I've vaped and smoked before, same with underage drinking but... come on, no one counts that. I don't smoke or vape anymore, if that's what you're about to ask. It was in high school, and it was a one time thing just to get the experience, y'know?"

"You risked addiction just for an experience?"

"Every time I drink alcohol I risk addiction, but I'm not addicted. I have a lot of self control and I don't want that for myself. My friends help with that."

"Like Namjoon?"

Jungkook held his breath. "Yes... yes like Namjoon, but more Taehyung and Jimin. Those two are my best friends for life. Namjoon's more of an..." He glanced at his hands, moving his fingers slowly and letting his veins show. "Acquaintance."

"I thought you two were friends."

"We were, yes. For many years. But something happened that um, I had to lie to him about it, and since, I kept my distance so he wouldn't find out."

"Do you mind me asking what happened?" When he kept his mouth shut, Y/n sat next to him and took his hand. "Sorry... too personal? I know we kind of just got together."

"It's fine, you don't need to apologize. You're right: we just got together. You don't know what to and not to ask, what is and isn't too personal. But I promise I'll tell you one day since it's an important part of me. You deserve to know. Just..."

"Not yet."

"Not yet," he said, parroting her words and kissing her hand. "But this is the perfect stage of our relationship to learn all the small stuff about each other, right? How about you busting a nut over the fact that I paint."

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