The Strange Texts

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Ignore this #:

Ignore this #: Hey, can we talk?

Ignore this #: Don't mean to sound weird or smth


"Nice contact name," Hana said, you brushing her comment off and waving your fingers over the keyboard. You didn't actually press any keys, your lips rubbing together. "What are you gonna do? Give him another chance?"

"Not really giving another if I barely gave him a chance in the first place." You didn't type yet out of fear that he'd see you were, so, you kept staring at the texts as if that would give you an answer. "What do you think I should do? I'm a little lost..."

"I'm not sure either babes, maybe ask him what he wants to talk about?"

"Yeah, good start. Thanks." You sent the message, nothing more than a 'why'. Why did he want to speak with you after admitting he only talked to you to get to Hana? What a dick move. Was this the part where he apologized and pretended what he said wasn't offensive? Or wait, even better - this was all a bet, wasn't it? And now he was realizing he messed up, so he was coming back to apologize. Wow. How amazin-


Hana jumped at the noise, you doing the same before popping open your phone. The woman behind you scoffed, you doing the same as her when you read the text.


Ignore this #:

Me: Why?

Ignore this #: I think I left my favorite pen at your place.


"I don't even remember him having a pen. I call bullshit," you said, Hana agreeing with you. But before you could type it out, there was a knock on your front door. Even from the bathroom you heard it, and it was like you could smell Jungkook's aroma from several feet away. Regardless, you huffed, stomping through your apartment until you threw the door open.

Jungkook was there as expected. "Someone's in a bad mood. You on your perio-"

You slammed the door in his face, secretly hoping you hit him with it. So he really was an asshole, got it. Bad boys. Weren't they the worst? They brought a rage to you that not even you could comprehend. You doubted the bad boys themselves knew what they were doing was so wrong, they just did it anyway to make themselves 'cooler'. Come on, this was college, not middle school. Social standings didn't matter nearly as much anymore.

Hana came over with her hands linked in front of her, her pale skin making her seem like a ghost in this lighting. "What do we do?" she asked, still keeping a bit of distance.

You ran a hand through your hair, shaking your head. "I have no idea."


Philosophy again. Great. That meant one thing: Jungkook would be here. And knowing assholes, they always tended to go back to old prey just to taunt them. And you were right. Not even a minute after you sat, Jungkook slid in the seat next to you, waggling his brows.

"So I take it you didn't like my comment yesterday?" he asked.

"You know, I really thought you weren't too bad, then you proved you're the biggest asshole on the planet. Thanks for that, Jeon. We could've actually been friends studying philosophy together, but no, you had to ruin that. A good girl like Hana was lined up for you, whether she liked you back or not, but again, you ruined that. Do you do anything other than ruin things?"

"I don't ruin everything. I have some great friends. You might not think they're great, but they're nice enough to me. I'm also going to a great school and I have amazing grades. So no, like I said, I don't ruin everything."

"You're such a dickwad."

"Dickwad... Alright, I'll give you that L/n, that's a new one."

"Leave. I don't want you to sit by me," you said, opening your notebook in an attempt to ignore him. Jungkook gazed at your side profile, his eyes burning into your skin. "Do you need something? I'm not your pet or toy."

"I know. I don't treat women like that, for your information."

"What, you're saying you aren't a fuck boy?"

"A little bit, but I always DTR before anything happens between a woman and I."

You glanced at him, narrowing your eyes. "DTR?"

"Define the relationship. I let them know it's only a hookup so they know not to fall in love with me after. It's called communicating, something I tried to do with you, but now look where we are."

"That's different. You used me to get to know Hana's thoughts on you. Now you're paying the price. I don't think that's unfair in any way, do you, Mr. Jeon?"

"A little," he replied, flicking his hand dismissively. His eyes rolled right after, you moving your stare back to your notes. "Don't ignore me."

"I just did." You flipped him off, using your other hand to write the header for today's lesson. Only two more minutes before class started, and of course, you had to spend it with Jeon Jungkook. The asshole. The very thought of him had you gritting your teeth and digging your nails into your palms. But, you calmed, heaving out a breath. You shifted your position, peering at him. "Jungkook?" He nodded, you giving him a bitter smile.

"From the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself."

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