Chapter 18

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Volix was twice the size of Polis, but unlike the former, Volix was in shambles and filled with the destitute and amoral. The homes were built from scraps of wood and metal, lazily slapped together with little regard for structural integrity. The streets were a dumping ground for trash and manure, which filled the air with a sickening aroma that could easily clench your throat and water your eyes. Luckily, Levi had his face mask and fashioned it over his nose with a secure knot. Every few yards sat a beggar. Many of them were missing limbs or had gone deaf or blind. They were dressed in rags and held onto tin cups or boxes in desperation for coin. A few held up signs with poor writing. 'Money for food,' read some. 'Coin for booze,' boldly read others. Levi caught the eye of a rugged man who sat against a pile of discarded boxes and trash. In his gloved hand, which was ripped and more hole than glove, was a bottle in a paper bag. His lips were wrapped around the lid with more passion than one would give a woman. And it wasn't until he had taken a few large swigs that he addressed Levi.

"What'chu lookin'at?" he mumbled out, half-drunk.

Levi stopped in front of him, narrowing his eyes.

"Have you seen a woman, long, brown hair, brown eyes, and a sword at her hip? She's probably wearing shorts and a tank top."

The man ran a hand through his scraggly beard, scratching it with his dirty nails.

"Maybe I have. Maybe not. Coin would help loosen these lips."

Levi sighed, reaching into his satchel and pulling out a gold coin. He held it out toward the drunkard. The moment the man tried to grab it, however, Levi pulled it away.

"Not so fast..." he began. "You want this..." He shook the coin in his hand. "Then you tell me which way she went."

The man grumbled, something incoherent, before answering. "Went that way." He pointed down an alley across from him.

"Alright then. Here you go." Levi handed over the coin, which the beggar snatched greedily and impatiently. He stuffed it down his pants, which Levi grimaced at, before returning his attention to the bottle in his hand.

Levi was quick to move in the direction given to him. He was careful, keeping his satchel snug at his side and his eyes vigilant to his surroundings. The alley he wandered down was just as disheveled as the last, only now he was cramped into closer quarters, with shambled houses on either side of him. Occasionally he would have to step over the bare feet of a beggar, many of whom lie in a drunken stupor. Human excrement lie a few inches from their faces, of those who had bothered to not mess themselves in their state. The musk grew thick and Levi had to double-check the knot in his mask to be sure it was still in place. He was thrilled to reach the end of the alley, as he stepped out onto the gravel road of the 'L' shaped opening. This area had been even grimier than the town center, which Levi would have thought impossible had he not seen it for himself. Many of the store buildings were covered in black mold, with vines that grew through cracks in the exterior. Across from him, at the opposite end of the concrete wall, was the word 'Greed' smeared in red clay. A few other words, mostly obscenities, were marked there as well, to which Levi scrutinized.

He saw no trace of Aster, only of a few rugged men which stood next to scantily dressed women. An older woman in a torn, red velvet dress, seemed to be squabbling with a short, stout man in front of her. He was holding a few silver coins in his hand, waving it tauntingly in her face as she seemed to debate whether she should be offended or take the money. Once she had noticed Levi, however, her mind had been made up. With a scoff, she swatted the man's hand away from her face and the coins went tumbling to the ground. She began to slink towards Leviathan in a sultry manner, which he knew meant nothing but trouble.

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