Chapter 4

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The morning came too quickly for Levi's liking, as the sun that pooled in through the cracked roof stung his retinas. It took him several minutes to adjust before they were finally open and alert to his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the presence beside him, still sound asleep and breathing softly. He had, unconsciously, moved closer to her during the night, and was only a few inches from her now. It was a cool night, and she had occupied his cape, which was likely the reason for his closeness.

He moved his body further away from hers, creating a significant amount of distance between them, and finding himself relax at the space.

The chill that had hung in the air was slowly giving way to the sun's warmth, which Levi soaked in eagerly. Only a few hours remained until it would once again be insufferably hot.

Normally, Levi would have been up and preparing for a long day's walk on a half-satiated stomach. Seeing as how his entire reason for such behaviors was wounded and asleep beside him, he felt no urge to rush. The fact that he had given away his position, however, left him at a disadvantage, which he was now in the midst of figuring out. He considered sauntering back off into the woodlands, just far enough out of reach to once again stay undetected. Then he remembered his cloaking ring. It had run out of essence not long after he had witnessed the attack. He had meant to imbue his magic into it before it had lost all its potency but had left it waning on his finger when the battle ensued.

He touched the ring with his thumb, twisting it back and forth as he sat in contemplation. All of his lifeblood had been drained performing the forbidden spell, and what little he had managed to restore was spent on aiding the woman beside him. He would likely not have enough energy to enchant the item again for the next several days, and thus, had no means of protection. It wasn't so much that he was completely inept in hand-to-hand combat, though he had to admit his skills were far from what he would be comfortable practicing. It was too risky to go out alone, seeking the prize with no means to properly guard himself.

His gaze turned to the sleeping woman, an idea suddenly springing to life. Perhaps he could make an arrangement with her; a partnership that could prove mutually beneficial. It went against every fiber of his being to do so, but he didn't have much of a choice for the time being unless he was willing to gamble his life. Besides that, it would only be for a few days while he awaited the full return of his power. Then he could wander off again and stay hidden in solitude.

The only problem he foresaw now, was what he could offer in exchange for her protection. Sure, he had a couple of nifty magic items on hand, but most were those he had gathered from the corpses she had left behind. It was clear she had no interest in magical items, which left him at a huge disadvantage, especially considering she seemed as off-put by companionship as he was. No, there had to be something he could give her that would pique her interest. Lost in thought, Levi hadn't noticed the subtle movement of the woman's eyes beneath her lids. Squinting and straining, they began to lift, allowing the light to find her pupils. By the way the warmth brushed her skin, she knew it was early morning. Her body, while relatively weak, did not throb with every breath she took. There was a dull ache, but it was tolerable in comparison. She tried to recount the events from the night before, only to be met with a grievous haze. She felt confident enough to rise, and thus began her struggle to gain her muscles compliance. Only then did Levi realize her awakening, and his eyes darted over to her tensing body.

"Again!?" he hollered, once again jolted by her stubborn nature. "Do you have a death wish!?"

Instead of mustering a response, she put her strength into her core, and with considerably less struggle than the day prior, was able to sit upright.

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