Chapter 9

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Her question triggered a reaction of mumbles and whispers among the miners, though none of them were willing to reveal the owners of the names. They seemed a loyal bunch, a bit rough and dirty, but loyal nonetheless. Aster would have respected this fact, if not for her bleeding desire for the glam.

"Who wants know?" A tall, muscular man spoke out amongst them in a broken tongue with an accent Levi had trouble discerning. His face was molded into a stern expression, thick eyebrows knitted together. He removed the mask from his face, and Aster could see the wariness in his hazel eyes. His thin lips were hidden beneath his robust mustache, which curled at the ends like a ringmaster at a circus. He looked almost comical, the way his clothes were a size too small for his masculine build, and how despite how soiled they were, his black hair was kept neatly parted to the right. He seemed out of place among the others, like a shepherd in his flock of sheep.

Leviathan merely watched as Aster straightened her posture. It amused him how she tried to make herself seem larger than she had been and further impressed him at how much it seemed to work. The dainty woman before him oozed with confidence that could rival even the strongest of men.

"I do," Aster resounded, her voice as equally powerful.

"That's mighty tall order from such tiny woman." The man remarked, and Aster felt her blood rush at the insult.

"And those are some mighty big words for such a gigantic oaf."

Levi had to resist the urge to chuckle, which ended up with him making a sound similar to a sneeze. He wasn't sure what it was that came over him. Perhaps it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the way Aster managed to keep pace with someone who could crush her with only a hug. Whatever the case, Levi found it amusing.

This gained the attention of the large, burly man, who trained his eyes on Levi in order to size him up.

"Something amuse you, boy?"

But before Levi could speak on his behalf, Aster interjected.

"Hey, you're talking to me right now." She pointed a finger at him before redirecting it at her chest for emphasis. At this, something in his eyes lit up.

"You're quite little spitfire, girl. Anyway, what business you have with those men?"

"I'll state my business to those it has to do with, and no one else."

Levi watched their interaction with growing amusement, and he had to steady himself on the opposite wall to keep from stumbling.

The man said nothing else, but continued to stare at Aster in great observation. Only when he found her resolve as strong and worthy as his physique, did his lips curve their way into a smile.

"Very well. Ursa at your service. What is it I do for you?"

"I'd like to have a word with you-" she paused, looking at the rest of the men who stood idly watching, "in private."

Ursa turned towards his men and directed them back to the wall they were digging in.

"Back to work," he ushered out, and none of the men argued. They set back to work, their pickaxes once again finding their rhythm. That is, however, for all but one man. He was tall and his mass was made of muscle, yet not quite the impressive build of Ursa. His skin was also fairer, and his blonde hair was a stark contrast to his friend. He eyed the duo with uncertainty, but did not make a motion to intervene.

Ursa led Aster and Levi out into a smaller subsection of the tunnel, one that had not been dug through as thoroughly as the rest. Shovels, picks, and several sifting pans lay abandoned throughout its length, and Levi had to pay careful attention to his steps so as not to run into Aster or the giant of a man beside her.

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