DAMIANO - my anchor

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this was a request by gixrgiari ! (p.s thank you for being so supportive of my imagines <3)

In this story, you were woken up by a nightmare, and Damiano, being the kind boyfriend he is, cuddles you back to sleep.


Thunder rumbled in the dark sky above me. My clothes ruffled violently in the wind. I looked around and saw myself standing on the edge of a cliff, with a cold gray sea thrashing at the rocks at the bottom. Why am I here?

Suddenly, a low grumble sounded behind me. "You're not good enough." Confused, I spun around again to see my ex-boyfriend. His eyes were eerie. Only the white part of the eye could be seen. "You're too selfish to love anyone else. You'll wreck all the relationships you'll be in."

My breath hitched in my throat. These were the exact words he had said to me before he left me.

"You're not good enough" Another chorus of voices sounded on my left. My eyes fell on the speakers, and with fear I recognized them as the girls that bullied me in high school.

"Overweight." They sneered one after another. Gradually, more people that had hurt me started to appear, their eyes ghostly white as well.

The crowd began to grow larger, louder and closer. I backed up slowly till my foot accidentally kicked off some pebbles behind me. They fell rapidly till the angry waves below swallowed them up. One wrong step, and that would be my fate, I thought.

"Y/n." A voice I knew all too well called out.

Standing in front of the bitter mob of people, was my beloved boyfriend Damiano.

"Save me, Damiano!" I cried out hoarsely. His face was just like the others, eyes pale and emotionless. He said nothing and stepped forward, so close I could leap to him and hug him, but my body seemed to be frozen.

He raised his hands and I felt two strong forces hit my shoulders. Eyes widened, my body jolted backwards as jeers and cheers erupted from the people who hurted me. He pushed me. That was the only thing I could think of as I spiraled down into darkness, screaming so loud my throat felt like tearing apart.

"Y/N!" I heard a deafening cry next to me.

I jolted upwards on my bed. The first thing I noticed was that my back felt unusually cold and my shirt was damp. A person was holding onto my hand tightly, and I turned to see who it was. Damiano, with worry written all over his face. I could even see a little bit of tears in his eyes. Brown eyes.

"A nightmare. I...I was standing on a cliff. There were so many people, they were all saying how I'm not good enough and edging me backwards then you were there and..." I rambled. My heart repeatedly hammered in my chest, so fast I thought it was going to fall out.

"Woah there, slow down amore." Damiano wiped my face. I didn't even realize I was crying until he did so. "I'll get you something to calm you down first, then you'll tell me more about your nightmare, okay?"

I nodded slowly. My gaze was fixed on his face. He looked so much like the Damiano in my dream that it scared me slightly, but when he started to walk away I couldn't help but pull him back for comfort. Damiano's expression softened, showing that he understood. He circled his arms around me, supporting my still weak legs as we went out to get a glass of water.

After that, I sat back down on the soft bed. "Should I light you a few candles too? I know they calm your nerves well." Damiano asked gently. I nodded again and he lit my favorite candle with his lighter. "So, tell me everything, amore."

The aroma of the candle hit me almost instantly and I calmed down a little. "On that cliff, there were a lot of people, people that hurted me in the past. They kept repeating 'You're not good enough' to me and edged me closer to the brim. Then, I saw you. I begged you to help me, but," I took a deep breath, knowing that what I said next might hurt him. "You pushed me off."

"..." Damiano said nothing, and just stared at me in shock. But after a while he raised his hands and cupped my face.

"You...you don't trust me?" his words came out in a whisper, light but filled with sadness.

"No! But it's just...so many people in that crowd were people I once trusted, so maybe I was just subconsciously scared you would one day..." I trailed off, scared to meet his eyes.

I thought Damiano would storm away, thinking that I don't trust him after all the time we've spent together. But instead I felt his hands caressing my face, stroking my cheeks so gently it was like I could break any moment. How is he this kind? How could he be so patient with me? With that thought in mind, I finally showed vulnerability and broke down.

"Throughout my life I feel like I'm just a small boat, and some people are like vicious waves on a stormy sea, constantly pushing me around, making me lose my bearings." I sobbed, throwing my arms around my boyfriend.

Damiano only pulled me closer. The side of my face was pressed to his chest, so I could faintly hear his steady heartbeat, grounding and comforting.

"Then let me be your anchor, amore. If you let me, I'll hold you forever, and I won't let anything in this world shake you." he finally said. He rubbed circles on my back, and I felt my breath steady from his touch.

I stopped my hysterical sobbing. "Thank you. There's nothing I could do in this life to repay you, Damiano." I mumbled out from his chest.

A chuckle came out from his mouth. "Well, you can begin with falling asleep," he smiled. We laid down on our bed once again, still in each other's embrace. Damiano began to sing "Coraline" to me, and though he sang in a low voice I recognized some of the lines.

Sarò il fuoco ed il freddo (I'll be your fire and you coldness)
Riparo d'inverno (A shelter in winter)
Sarò ciò che respiri (I'll be what you breathe)
Capirò cosa hai dentro (I'll understand what you have inside)
E sarò l'acqua da bere (And I'll be the water you drink)
Il significato del bene (The meaning of goodness)
Sarò anche un soldato (I'll also be a soldier)
O la luce di sera (Or the light in the night)

His voice had a calming effect on me, and I felt myself falling back asleep.

Only this time, I know I won't be having any nightmares.

I was just writing this imagine then Ccraline came to my mind. the lyrics from that part just fit the whole promise of damiano promising y/n to keep her safe🥲

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