ETHAN - surprise

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had a little bit of writer's block while writing this story, but nevertheless it's still gonna be cute as hell
Also go drink some water rn 🔫

In this story, you have been struggling with life a little bit lately, until Ethan decided to surprise you with something.


Ethan, my boyfriend, decided to pick me up at work today, so as soon as I exited the building I work at, I immediately heard his voice calling me.

"Darlingggg!" Ethan beamed as I jogged towards his car, where he poked his head out.
He climbed out of his car and I collapsed into his arms at once, too tired to say a word.

"What's wrong?" Ethan asked worriedly, lifting up my face so he could see my eyes. They were puffy from crying.

"I'm so tired Ethan," my voice broke, and tears streamed down my cheeks, ruining the makeup I had touched up a short while ago.

"Your colleagues are treating you badly again?" guessed Ethan. I only nodded as I buried my face in my boyfriend's shoulder, wetting his shirt with my tears.

"I feel like I'm just spiraling at work. This job is already tough, and these stupid, backstabbing colleagues is just the cherry on top..." I continued to sob.

My boyfriend patted me gently on the back. "Come, y/n. Let's go home first, then we'll talk more at home." he whispered as he took my hand and led me towards his car.

"Can we eat outside today? I don't feel like cooking." I said as I opened the car door on my side.

"We'll buy dinner on the way. I have something to show you at home." Ethan answered. I looked at him, puzzled, and he shot me back a wink in return.

During the car ride, Ethan was awfully quiet today (not that he isn't already a quiet person). I kept staring at him, trying to figure out what kind of surprise it was, and so far I had no luck. His eyes sparkled with excitement, but he also kept drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, a habit of his whenever he was nervous or scared. I still had no clue till Ethan parked the car in front of our apartment building. He immediately sat me down on the couch in the living room when we got home.

"Now darling," Ethan started. He picked up my hand and started stroking the back of it. "How do you feel about taking care of a little life?"

I leaned back a little and gasped dramatically. "ETHAN YOU'RE PREGNANT?"
"NO!" he rolled his eyes as I giggled back at him.

"But on a serious note, I found a little kitten on the side of the road today, and it looked so sad..." he trailed off.

It only took me one look at his face to realize what had happened. "Oh my God! You brought it back?" It wasn't surprising that he did so. My boyfriend has always had a big heart.

Ethan pouted at me, and as if on cue, a small meow came from our bedroom. Ethan got up to open our bedroom door, and came out cupping a white ball of fur with his hands. "You wanna meet him?" Ethan couldn't even hide his smile at this point.

Curious, I stared as Ethan held out the ball of fur with his arms stretched out towards me, Rafiki-holding-Simba style. Slowly, it opened its eyes and looked at me. They were a startling blue.

"Do you wanna keep it?" Ethan asked nervously.
"IT'S SO CUTE!" I squealed excitedly. I impatiently took the kitten in my arms, letting it sit on my lap. It purred out of happiness, and made itself comfortable on my lap.

"Thank god you like him. I was scared you wouldn't at first," Ethan exhaled in relief as he stroked the kitten's head with his thumb.

"I already gave him a shower and some food, and in a few days I'll take him to the vet for a check-up." At his words, I just realized a bag of cat food was sitting at the corner of our house, along with a litter box and other cat necessities. Looks like Ethan was already pretty prepared for the kitten.

"Let's call him Socrates shall we? He's my favorite philosopher." Ethan suggested cheerfully.

"That's such a you thing to say!" I laughed as the kitten now jumped off my lap and started to sniff my sock. This gave me an idea.

"Sure, you can name him that, but we're calling him 'Sock' for short." I added with a cheeky smile.
"Sock it is then." Ethan agreed.

The rest of the evening was spent taking tons of wholesome pictures of us and little Sock. There were photos of Ethan holding Sock up by his front paws, and photos of me mimicking Sock when he yawned. At the end of the night, Ethan and I laid on our bed, with Sock fast asleep between us.

Looking at Sock's body rise and fall as he breathed, I shifted my body, laying on my side so I could face Ethan. "Thank you for bringing Sock into our house, love. I already feel so much happier with him here." I murmured.

The corners of Ethan's mouth turned up. "That's great. I wanted to bring Sock home not only because he was suffering on the streets, but also 'cause I thought about how work was making you upset these days, so I figured you'd like a little pet to cheer you up."

"You're the best, Edgar." I smiled along with him. We leaned in for a short but sweet kiss, before we laid back on our pillows. Soon, Ethan was asleep along with Sock, a few strands of his dark black hair falling on the snowy white kitten. I looked at the two boys in front of me that I hold so dear, and realized that even though my life isn't the best right now, at least I'm going to have them beside me.

With that thought in mind, I sighed in contentment, before drifting off to sleep myself.

If you could have a pet with Ethan, what animal would you get? (for me it's either a cat or a chameleon)

you can submit your requests here:

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