DAMIANO - thanksgiving (1)

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this one has a little bit more drama in it, hope you'll like it + part 2 coming soon

In this story, you introduce Damiano to your family at Thanksgiving. Funny how Damiano was worried about your family not liking him, when one of the members ended up liking him a bit too much.


As I drove towards my parents' house, I felt a nervous Damiano fiddling with my vacant hand.

"It's gonna be okay, Dam." I patted his hand.

"I don't know, amore. It's my first time spending Thanksgiving with your family after all." he replied, eyes still focused down.

"Don't worry, I know you're gonna leave a good first impression, I'm sure of it. Oh, we're here!"

I exclaimed as I stopped our car outside my parents' house. We both got off, and we walked towards the front door with my arm linked through his. I rang the doorbell, and the door swung open quickly, revealing my smiling mom.

"Mom!" I almost jumped up in joy. After moving with Damiano to Italy, I haven't seen my entire family for around half a year, so I leaped into my mother's arms eagerly.

"Oh, I missed you too," said my mom as she rubbed my back. "And this must be Damiano!" Breaking our hug, my mom went over to shake my boyfriend's hand.

Out of the corner of my eyes, a tiny figure appeared. It was my 23 year old sister Grace. We have never been on the best terms since we were kids, but considering I haven't seen her in 6 months, I decided to be as nice to her as possible.

"Hello, Grace. How are you and your fiancé doing?" I tried for a polite smile.

She only gave me a small nod. "We're fine. Sam isn't able to come today because he has some work stuff to do." Then she combed her fingers through her wavy hair, clearly uninterested in making small talk with me.

But when her eyes flicked from me to Damiano, curiosity sparked in her eyes.

"Well, well, y/n, you never said your boyfriend was this good looking." Her gaze was still fixed on Damiano.

Hearing this, Damiano turned and smiled kindly at my sister. "That's just too kind of you..." he paused, trying to remember her name.

"I'm Grace, y/n's sister." she shot him a sweet smile. To everyone's surprise, she opened up her arms at my boyfriend.

Damiano, not wanting to seem rude, awkwardly gave Grace a hug. He looked at me from the top of Grace's head, as confused as a deer in headlights. Grace, however, seemed fine in Damiano's embrace. Almost too fine.

Luckily, this awkward moment was broken off by my dad's call from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready!"

Damiano returned to my side as we took our seats at the dining table. "Is your sister always this...fond of strangers?" he questioned me quietly.

"No." I gave him a short reply. My sister's weird behavior bothered me a lot. Why was she this friendly to Damiano? A small suspicion formed in my head, but I tried not to care about it too much. She wouldn't do that, would she?

Dinner was served, and we all dug into the delicious food. My parents, having been away from me for so long, bombarded me with questions like 'How are you doing in Italy?' 'Is the weather too hot over there?' 'Did you bring me any souvenirs?'.

Grace just sat in the corner in silence, drinking glass after glass of wine.

A while later, my dad glanced at my sister "Stop drinking so much, Grace, you still need to drive." he chided. But before he opened his mouth to continue asking me more questions, Grace started to talk.

"So, how about you, Damiano? How are things going for you?" that sickly sweet smile of hers appeared on her face again.

Damiano seemed stunned by the suddenness of the question. Still, he answered.

"Um, things have been great lately. My band is doing pretty well and-"

"You have a band? How cool of you!" she complimented. "Tell me more about it! Are you guys famous? Are you a celebrity?" she added excitedly.

"We are sort of famous, yes. But back to your questions, y/n and I also bought an apartment together in Rome, so things are alright."

"Oh, that's nice." Hearing me being mentioned, Grace's enthusiasm reduced a little. She couldn't even pretend to like me, huh?

She continued to provoke Damiano to talk more. Mostly it's about his on stage and personal life, his family, any past girlfriends, etc. By now the alcohol seemed to take effect on Grace, because she was slightly blushing and she was giggling at Damiano's answers, even though some of them weren't even funny.

"I think your sister's a bit drunk, amore." I heard my boyfriend whisper to me.

"Yeah, no kidding." I replied as I eyed the figure drinking wine across the table, who was looking at Damiano from the rim of her wine glass. Grace's almond eyes were set on him the way a predator's eyes were set on the prey. It made chills rise up from the bottom of my spine.

Soon enough, it was nearing the end of our dinner. Damiano set his fork down on his plate, and stood up to walk away. "I'm going to use the restroom. It's right down the corridor, next to the kitchen, right?" he asked. I nodded at him, and he disappeared into the corridor of our house.

Suddenly, Grace rose up from her seat as well. "Well, it's time for dessert isn't it? Lemme go to the kitchen and get it."

My mother stood up "Grace, you really needn't. I'm heading towards the kitchen anyways-"

"No mom, I can get it myself." My sister cut off my mom's offer as she walked, almost sped down the corridor.

Meanwhile, my mom sighed as she sat back down. "Your sister's acting weird today, huh?"
I sighed along "Yeah, did you see those looks she would give Damiano? It's like she wants him for himself or something."

"Let's just pray that wouldn't be real." she frowned, her tone filled with concern.

I couldn't give her a response. I just sat fiddling with my fingers, as I hoped silently for my worst fears to not come true.

Needless to say, we do not stan Grace in this house

if you wanna submit requests, submit them like this (pls help me im running out of ideas)
-which member is it about:
-specific scenarios:
-other stuff you'd like to add:

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